SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS: 1. Current Developments in Non-Radioactive DNA Probe Technology. S S Forster, F C Carr, W J Harris. Current Opinion in Therapeutic Patents, 1991, 1: 1653. 2. Magic Bullets. Harris W J .Chemistry and Industry, 1991, 18: 656-659 3. Re-shaping of a Human Monoclonal Antibody to Inhibit Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus in vivo. P R Tempest, P Bremner, M Lambert, F Carr and W J Harris. Biotechnology, 1991, 9: 266-271 4. Humanised monoclonal antibodies to respiratory syncytial virus. G Taylor,J Furze,PR Tempest,P Bremner,FJ Carr & WJ Harris. Lancet,1991, 337: 1411-1412 5. Humanised antibodies. G Winter and W J Harris. Immunology Today, 1993, 14: 243-246. 6. Cloning and expression in E coli of the cDNA encoding human cardiac troponin I KL Armour,WJ Harris & PR Tempest. Gene,1993: 131, 287-292. 7. Humanized Antibodies. G Winter & W.J.Harris. Trends Pharmacol Sci.1993: 14,139-143. 8. Spontaneous assembly of bivalent single chain antibody fragments in E coli. DP McGregor, P Molloy, C Cunningham, and WJ Harris. Molecular Immunology, 1993, 31: 219-226 9. Sequences of heavy and light chain variable regions from four bovine immunoglobulins. KL Armour,PR Tempest,PH Fawcett,MR Fernie,SI King, P White,G Taylor & WJ Harris. Molecular Immunology, 1994. 31, 1369-1372. 10.Expression of foreign genes in mammalian cells using an antibody fusion system. SJ Forster,FJ Carr,WJ Harris & AA Hamilton. Molecular Biotechnology,1994,1: 251-263. 11.Efficient generation of a reshaped human mAb specific for the alpha toxin of Clostri dium perfringens. PR Tempest,P White,ED Williamson,RW Titball,DC Kelly,GJ Kemp, PM Gray,SJ Forster,FJ Carr & WJ Harris. Protein Engineering,1994,12: 1501-1507. 12.Specificity analysis of blood group Lewis-y( LeY) antibodies generated against synthetic and natural LeY determinants. K Kitamura,E Stockert,P Garin-Chesa,S Welt,KO Lloyd,KL Armour,TP Wallace,WJ Harris,FJ Carr & LJ Old. Proc. Nat Acad Sc. USA, 1994,91: 12957-12961. 13.Identification of framework residues required to restore antigen binding during resha ping of a monoclonal antibody against the glycoprotein gB of human cytomegalovirus. PR Tempest,P White,M Buttle, FJ Carr & WJ Harris. Int. J Biol. Macromolecules,1995, 17: 37-42 14. Production of humanised monoclonal antibodies for in vivo imaging and therapy. W.J Harris. Biochem.Soc.Trans. 23, 1035-1038, 1995 15.Simultaneous detection of microorganisms in soil suspensions based upon PCR amplific ation of bacterial 16S rRNA fragments. DP McGregor, S Forster,J Steven.J Adair,SE Leary DL Leslie WJ Harris & RW Titball. Biotechniques, 21, 463-467, 1996 16.Humanisation of a mouse monoclonal antibody that blocks the epidermal growth factor receptor: recovery of antagonistic actvity. C Mateo,E Moreno,K Armour,J Lombardero ,WJ. Harris, R Perez. Immunotechnology 3, 71-81, 1997. 17.A humanized antibody against human cytomegalovirus(CMV) gpUL75 (gH) for proph ylaxis or treatment of CMV infections. AA Hamilton,DM Manual,JE Grundy,AJ Turner,SI King, FR Adair,P White,FJ Carr, & WJ Harris. J Infectious Diseases 176, 59-68 1997. BOOKS 1. Therapeutic Antibodies. WJ Harris & CC Cunningham, Authors. Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit Series. Springer/RG Landes Co,Austin,1995, pp 1-197. 2. Antibody Therapeutics Eds. W.J. Harris & J.A. Adair. CRC Press New York 1997 CHAPTERS IN BOOKS 1. Expression of foreign genes in mammalian cells using an antibody fusion system. S J Forster, A A Hamilton, F C Carr and W J Harris. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1991, 10: Chapter 5, Humana Press. 2. Human antibodies for therapeutic application. F Carr, P Tempest, G Kemp and W J Harris. In "Industrial Biotechnology International". Ed. Greenshields, R., Sterling Publications UK 1993, Pages 121-124 3. Re-shaping a human monoclonal antibody agianst cardiac troponin I for use in imaging myocardial infarcts. K L Armour, W J Harris, M M Gani and P R Tempest. In "European Biotechnology Today" Eds. Malaversi, Cortese, Albertini. Pages 169-176. 1992. 4. Humanised Monoclonal Antibodies for in vivo use. W J Harris. In "Animal Cell Biotechnology, 1994, 6: Eds. Spier R E and Griffiths J E. Academic Press. pp.259-276. 5. Production of humanised monoclonal antibodies for in vivo imaging and therapy. WJ Harris. In: Animal Cell Technology: Basic and Applied Aspects,1993 Eds. T.Kobayashi,Y Kitagawa, K Omura,Kluwer Publishers,Netherlands. Vol.6. pp53-61. 6. Strategies for Humanising Antibodies. SC Emery & WJ Harris. In: Antibody Enginee ring, 1995, Ed. C Borrebaeck, O xford University Press,New York. pges. 159-183. 7. Humanised Antibodies in Infectious Disease. W.J.Harris. In: Antibody Therapeutics, Eds. W.J.Harris& J.A.Adair, CRC Press, New York pgs. 89-118, l997 8. Engineered Molecules. Adair,J., Armour,K., Carr,F., Fernie,M., Forster, S., Hamilton,A., Harris,W.J., King,D., McGregor,D., Moss,M., Steven, J., Tempest,P., Turner,A., Wallace,P., Weir,N., White,P. In: Immunology Methods Manual. Ed.I Lefkovits, Academic Press, 1997.