Market Segmentation


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Table of Contents

Market Segmentation

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Market Segmentation

Mass Marketing, Segment Marketing, Individual Marketing

Segmenting consumers by what they drink in the morning

Analyze-Customer Product Relationships

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Demographic Segmentation

Geographic Segmentation

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PPT Slide

Geodemographic Segmentation

Examples of Two PRIZM Clusters

Examples of Two PRIZM Clusters

Psychological: Psychographic Segmentation

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Global Segments: ‘Strivers’ to ‘Creatives’

From ‘Strivers’ to ‘Creatives’

Behavioral segmentation

Benefits Segmentation: Toothpaste market

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Market Segmentation Television Exercise

Market Segmentation Television Exercise

Develop Product Positioning

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Positioning strategy

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Positioning Strategies: Position your product

Select Segmentation Strategy

Market segmentation matrix: Persons eating at Pat’s Diner by hours in PBAB and by status

Selected Segments

Target Marketing Strategies: Undifferentiated Marketing

Target Marketing Strategies: Differentiated Marketing

Target Marketing Strategies: Niche Marketing

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Phoenix Suns Video

Toothpaste Survey

Toothpaste Survey

Toothpaste Survey

Toothpaste Survey

Toothpaste Survey

Author:  M.J. Klemme

Email: [email protected]

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