My Authentic Science Research Page

This is my page devoted to my scientific research. I have some more stuff that I hope to have up in the coming weeks and if you wish to post your work on my site please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] and I will hook you up. I do have other pages with other subjects so feel free to send those as well.

Before I get into the work I will tell you a little about this section of the site. I am currently taking a three-year research course at Manhattan Center called Authentic Science Research. In this course for the next three years I will study a topic of interest to me. My topic of choice is Autism and I chose this topic because of a familial connection (this can be read in my midterm paper of spring 2000). This course requires me to read many articles both general (from magazines, textbooks, etc.) and scientific journal articles (eg. New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, etc.). Midway into the second semester, or second half of the sophmore year, I am paired up with a mentor that has a Ph.D. in my field of study to continue my research. Over the next two years including the summers in between I will be in that doctor's laboratory studing my topic so I can write a paper that will be submited to the Intel/Westinghouse competition in the fall of my senior year. Via this website you too can track my work and progress as I study more into this topic that does not get enough attention as others like AIDS or cancer. I also hope that this site will maybe help some people along to choosing this topic to study in high school, college, or even as a career.

I have just added my midterm paper that I wrote in April and that I just made a presentation on this past May during mt school's first annual science symposium. This paper is entitled Autism and Chromosomes and can be seen at Autism and Chromosomes. I am working on adding my presentation to my website but I have to figure out how to do that (hehehe). Expect to see this around the middle of July.

Personal News: I am happy to inform you that I have been paired up with Dr. Michelle Dunn at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Her and I will be paired up for the next tow years as I start to work on my project that I will enter the Intel/Westinghouse competition during my senior year at MCSM. You can contact Dr. Dunn via e-mail at [email protected]. I do not start working with her full time until July so when the time comes I will add more information.

If this was not what you were looking for please visit the school index where you can go to some of my other subject sites.


Last updated: June 5, 2000