
 Used For


Scorpian bite
 Grind leaves into paste and apply to bite once

 Grind roots into paste. Apply to joints after washing in warm water twice a day for a week.

 Grind leaves and exctract juice, then apply over area once daily until cured.

 Grind roots with seeds of Piper nigrum and extract juice. Take once daily for a week and apply on piles.

 Grind roots into paste and take once daily for 2-3 days.

Also used for Anemia, Energy, Dysmenorrhia, Erysclepia, Febrifuge, Fever, Gonorrhea, Liver, Malaria, Purgative, Skin, Tonic, Tuberculosis, and Urinary Disorders.

Close-up of Fedegoso Plant

Fedegoso Plant

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