Kinematic Analysis

Kinematic analysis is the reconstruction of movements that take place during the formation and deformation of rocks, at all scales. Kinematic analysis deals with recognizing and describing the changes that, during deformation, are brought about by movement of the body as a whole, or by internal movements within the body. Kinematic analysis is carried out at all scales, from submicroscopic to regional. When a body, or some part of a body, is forced to change its location or position, it undergoes translation. When forced to change its orientation, it undergoes rotation. When forced to change size, it undergoes dilation. When forced to change shape, it undergoes distortion. The overall goal of Kinematic Analysis is to interpret the combinations of translations, rotations, distortions, and dilations that altered the location, orientation, shape and size of a body of rock. Folds are a very good example of the application of kinematic analysis to geologic structures.

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Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis interprets forces, stresses, and the mechanics that give rise to structures. For dynamic analysis to be meaningful, it must explain the physical and geometric character of the structures, the kinematics, and the relationship between stress and strain. The major aim of the analysis is to describe the orientation and magnitude of the stress, and the response of the material. this is a challenging step in detailed structural analysis, because significant inferences must be made regarding the environment of deformation (i.e., temperature, pressure...) , the strength and physical state os the materials during deformation, the rate at which deformation proceeded and the boundary conditions (e.g., relationship to plate movements and plate boundaries). Overall, dynamic analysis is all about the interplay between the stresses that tend to deform, and the strengths that tend to resist. Faults are a great example in which we can see the dynamic analysis' application.

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Deformation Mechanisms and Microstructures

Processes that permit rocks to deform at the microscopic and atomic scale are called deformation mechanisms. The fine scale structures that are produced are called microstructures. Nature has a long list of deformation mechanisms to choose from, and this accounts for the wide variety of observed microstructures and textures. Some deformation mechanisms are brittle, like the splitting of minerals along microscopic cracks or cleavages; others are ductile, like the slippage on hundreds of parallel crystallographic planes of the forced march migration of atoms from one side of a mineral to another. We can go from microstructures to the deformation mechanisms that produced them by creating microstructures under controlled laboratory conditions, describing the microstructures on the basis of high magnification microscopy, comparing the microstructures produced in the laboratory to those produced in nature, an applying concepts and interpretations consistent with theoretical analysis of the strength of minerals.

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