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                    Abs Breen is of Turkish-Irish extraction. His name is short for Abidin, his middle
                    name. He's the cool calm five ­ laid back but strong headed. He's very comfortable
                      with himself and is a natural performer, having grown up in a musical family in
                     Hackney, he has sung, danced, rapped and DJ'd since childhood. A real romantic
                    bloke that cites Titanic as his favourite film and (awww) "would do anything for the
                                                              girl I love".

                        Full Name:                          Richard Abidin Breen.
                        EMail Address:                    [email protected]
                        Nickname:                           Abs ­ from my middle name Abidin, which is
                                                                  Turkish, like my dad, whilst my mum is Irish.
                        Date of birth:                       29 June 1979.
                        Place of birth:                      Enfield.
                        Starsign:                              Cancer.
                        Height:                                5ft 9inches.
                        Chest:                                 38/40
                        Shoesize:                             8 1/2.
                        Hair colour:                         Black.
                        Eye colour:                          Brown, with a hint of green around the bottom.
                        Brothers and sisters:             Only child.
                        Musical relatives:                 My mum sings, my dad and uncles all play
                        Singing since:                       I was little. I used to think I was Michael
                        Previous jobs:                      None.
                        Worst job:                           Helping my mum in a laundrette.
                        Worst haircut:                      Every day is a bad hair day. I have mad hair as
                                                                  soon as I wake up in the morning.
                        Worst habit:                        Ain't got one.
                        Most embarrassing moment: When my mum pulled down my trousers and
                                                                 smacked my bum in front of my friends. Oh
                                                                     yeah, I was about eight at the time.
                         Hobbies:                           DJing, music, films, eating out, computer
                                                                 games, and spending time with friends and
                         Dislikes:                             Smoking (especially whilst eating), drugs,
                                                                 drinking and fake people.
                         Previous bands:                  None.
                         Music:                               I'm into anything with a big bass.
                         Money:                             Gimmee, gimmee, gimmee!
                         Fame:                               I'm still trying to get used to it but don't think I
                                                                ever will.
                         Women:                           They're great but they cost you loads.
                         Maddest thing ever done for love: Not one thing, but I'd do anything for the girl I love!
                         Childhood hero:                Michael Jackson.
                         Most like to meet:             No one in particular.
                         Biggest extravagance:        Running outside in the street with only my
                                                                boxer shorts on in the rain, trying out my new
                                                                radio controlled car that I got for my Christmas.
                         Favourite Spice Girl:        Not a fan.
                         Favourite record of all time: 'Down Low' ­ by R. Kelly
                         Favourite hang-out:           Bed.
                         Favourite accessory:          My bracelet. It was given to me for getting into five.
                         Favourite fashion:             Casual everyday stuff.
                         Favourite sport:                 I like all sports, especially dancing but I also like
                                                                 playing it on my playstation.
                         Favourite book:                No particular one.
                         Favourite food:                 All types, especially my mum's shepherd's pie
                                                                and lollies!
                         Favourite take-away:        Chinese.
                         Favourite drink:                Orange juice.
                         Favourite place:                Euro Disney and England.
                         Dream car:                       Lamborghini.
                         Monthly mobile phone bill: £100,000,000,000
                         One thing I'd change about myself: Mood swings.
                         Describe yourself:             I've just discovered I have big mood swings. I'm
                                                                also a bit of a romantic.
                         Describe J:                       He's the daddy. He makes sure we get up in
                                                                the morning and we're where we should be, but
                                                                he's not the boss. Oh no!
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