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Web Site Administration

This site is designed, managed, and administered by the Fatima Old Boys Association as one of their on-going projects. This project was undertaken in July 1998, prior to which the site was administered to directly by a committee of students. This page commends all individuals and/or organisations who have assisted in this venture from its inception to the present.

If you would like to assist in providing information for this site please feel free to do so by e-mailing us.

  • Marc Lee Seyon
  • Andrew Yetming
  • Student Webmaster
  • Dexter Banfield
  • Founding Members
  • Douglas Aleong
  • Richard Aleong
  • Geoff Lee Seyon
  • Marc Lee Seyon
  • Pasha Mohammed
  • Past Webmasters
  • Douglas Aleong
  • Richard Aleong
  • Brendan Philip
  • HTML & Graphic Design, Editing and Research
  • Dexter Banfield
  • Jonathan Boysielal
  • Dwight Campbell
  • Shane Newallo
  • Matthew Johnston
  • Dwayne Johnson
  • Alistair Burke
  • Special Thanks To
  • Martin Farinha
  • Graham Fernandes
  • Lennard Kong
  • David Soverall
  • Fatima Old Boys Association
  • Carib-Link Limited
  • InterServ Limited
  • WOW.net

  • Copyright © Fatima College 1996-2000.