Hopefully this will develop into a site for people to learn about bromeliad horticulture, share ideas, and enjoy and appreciate these beautiful plants.

As the newsletter editor for the West Coast Bromeliad society, I will be drawing heavily on items that I have created and used in that monthly publication. Where I have used items written by others, I have tried to give the proper credit. If you see anything that is improperly labeled or incorrectly identified, please email me as soon as possible, so that I may correct it quickly.

I will try to keep the pages as small as possible, so that they will load quickly. The intent of this site is to inform more than entertain. If you want to be entertained, I do have more active sites.


A natural hybrid from Mexico, Tillandsia brachycaulos x Tillandsia fasciculata

July 1998 Newsletter

Since the World Bromeliad Conference is the first week of July, the FWCBS meeting will be the 2nd Thursday this month. The program will feature Shane Zaghini, a bromeliad grower from Australia, and a show and tell type of program by those members who attended to World Conference. They should come back with lots of interesting pictures and stories.


The FWCBS meeting will be on the 9th of July at the Hope Presbyterian Church, 1698 S. Belcher in Clearwater. The doors will open at 7:00, and the meeting will start at 7:30. We hope that you can join us for this meeting.

This is just the cover of the newsletter. To view the entire newsletter Newsletter.htm

To view bromeliad photographs

To read bromeliad articles Articles.htm

To access bromeliad links