Basic Neurology Made Easy
This website was designed for the sole purpose of helping people understand the science of neurology a little better. Through this site I hope to empower the patient. I in no way attempt to give medical advice to anyone, rather to give them the basic knowledge to better communicate with their physician, and help them to understand what goes on within the nervous system, allowing the patient to make smarter, more educated decisions about their personal health. Any information that you gain here is well documented, and a list of references will be furnished upon request. Neurology is a fascinating science. The field is dynamic, and quickly expanding. It would make quite an interesting career path for those so inclined.
Well I am getting around to adding and fixing up the web page, but my time has been occupied with rotations in the hospital, and answering emails!!!! I hope I have been of some help to most of you, and if I haven't please drop me an email. It may take a while for me to get back to you, but I try.
Currently I am getting involved in a venture which may allow me to dedicate more time to this website (which is obviously non-profit), and responding to my readers. It's a program where people sign up for discounted gas, and other benefits. The great part about this deal is that the more people you get to save money, the more money you will make. It's quite interesting, and I recommend everyone at least take a peek at the program. Visit it at www.discountgasandcash.gasupusa.com . Check it out and see what you think, but feel no obligation to sign up just because you like my site.
Thanks for your patience and patronage.
Site Directory:
Note that it is recommended that the uninitiated view these first seven topics first before moving on to the more complicated sections.
The Nerve Cell in General
Neuron Supporting Cells and Myelin Sheaths
The Neural Membrane and the Resting Potential
Neuron Communication: The Basics
Graded Potentials
Action Potentials
Neuron to Neuron: The Synapse
These next topics are a little more advanced, and require an understanding of the previous topics.
Voltage Clamp Analysis
Neurons as Electrical Circuits: To include the role of myelin as a capacitance modifier.
Synaptic Potentials and Basic Analytical Experiments on Defining Them
Synaptic Transmission:The quanta
Introduction to Sensory Transduction
General Sensory Modulation: Differentiating between stimuli intensities, limitations, and adaptation
A very basic introduction to select neurological disorders.
Introduction to ALS
SOD1 and Metals: Their roles in ALS
Nitric Oxide and SOD1 Mutants: Possible Roles and Interactions in ALS
Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or recommendations.
Brian B. Glodt
You are visitor number
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
***It is extremely important to note that this website is only to be used as a source of information. We at this website do not attempt to give any sort of medical or health advice. Furthermore, any information that is presented here should be verified by outside sources. A list of references for this website will be sent upon request.***