(opponent attacks)

Well I do hope I have written this well. Worrying tends to make me pace.

#6 - Front horse stance both fists in an on guard position. Right front ball kick to groin. Bring right foot back and cross right leg over left, step down - Step left foot out to left into horse stance, on guard position.

#7- Front horse stance both fists on guard. Step out to left with left foot. Right side kick to ribs. Bring right foot back, cross right leg over left, step down. Step to left with left foot, fighting stance on guard.

#3 - Front horse stance, with left leg step to left back at a 45 degree angle ,at the same time block with a 4 block - right punch to groin. grab right sholder pulling toward you as you right back punch to temple. With your right hand grab persons left sholder steping back with right foot. left thrust punch to body-back to on guard position.

#2 -Front horse stance. Bring left foot to right foot, step ahead with right foot into a side horse stance while executing a 3 block. Right back fist to face. Bring left foot to right while strikeing solar plexus with an outward elbow. Right hand goes clockwise up, around, and down sweeping persons left leg. Right knife hand to groin.

#5 -Front horse stance. Bring left foot to right foot, step ahead with right foot into a side horse stance. Block together left knife hand on top, right chicken wrist on bottom. Right back punch to face, right side kick to solar plexus. right leg goes over left step down, step to left with left foot, hands on guard.

#4 - While stepping back with left foot, 5 block natural strick. Hand moves in a circular motion clock-wise to right first sweeping opponents hand away then tiger rake face from left to right. On raking right roundhouse kick to heart or temple. Cross right leg over left bare-ly steping . right foot stepts ahead and stomps groin. Jump ahead on right foot, both feet should be on each side of opponents head. Right front punch to face, left front punch to face. With right foot push face to left, stomp face. Step down to left with right foot, step out to left with left foot. On guard position.

#18 - Step back with right foot into cat stance while executing an 8 open hand block. Step in with left foot while left back hand hits left side of face. Same hand grabes left sholder. Step back with left leg pulling opponet over right knee, Right elbow between sholder blades. Swing right hammer around to left temple.

#8 - Knife hand block left, right front ball kick to groin, then return to a flamingo and roundhouse kick to heart or temple. Cross right foot over left, then into a side horse on - guard position.

#9 - Knife hand block left, right front ball kick to groin, then return to a flamingo and roundhouse kick to heart or temple. Step to left with left foot. Then bring left foot in back of right foot, (right) side kick to ribs. Cross right foot over left, then into a side horse on - guard position.

#14 - (Opponent attacks) - Knife Hand block (left), jump up, Scissor Kick (right) to solar plexes or heart (kiai), then land in a forward stance with left foot forward, hands on guard.

#15 - (Opponent attacks) - Right foot crosses over into a twist stance,Knife Hand block (right), left foot steps forward into a side horse stance while you drive attackers' fist downward. Ridge hand (left) to throat. Step back with right foot as you pull opponet onto your left knee. Tiger's Palm (right) face to groin, then Tiger's Rake (right) groin to face. Down ward elbow (right) to solar plexes, Hammer (right) to groin. Left foot steps backwards, attacker falls to ground.

#16 - (Opponent attacks) - Simultaneous Front kick to low abdomen while Palm Hand block (right), to inside of wrist and Palm Hand block (left) to the outside of elbow. Step back with right foot into a side horse stance bringing attacker to their knees. Bring left leg over and break arm, step out, and Thrust Punch right to temple.


# 10 (Opponent attacks) Step in with right foot while Knife Hand block (left), simultaneously Spear Hand Poke (right) to groin as you wrap (left) attacker's arm. Bear Paw (right) to attackers left ear as you takedown by pivoting 180 degrees to the left. Two Knife Hands (right) to the heart, jump up (clear away attackers arm), then Knife Hand (right) to the face or throat. Cross over and assume an on-guard position.

# 11 (Opponent attacks) Right foot moves backwards as you move into a cat stance (left) and inward Palm block (left). Lunge (left) forward and Trigger Finger (right) to the head. Grab attacker's right leg with left hand and pull up while you Palm (right) to torso. As the attacker falls continue to hold the leg. Shuffle forward, drop knee (right) to groin, pull up on leg as you pivot 180 degrees to the right forcing the attacker on stomach. Break spine by pulling back on the leg while dropping knee on back. Drop leg, step over, Thrust Punch (right) to kidney, and Heel Kick (right) to ribs. Step over and assume an on-guard position.

# 17 (Opponent attacks) Knife Hand block (left) to attacker's wrist. simultaneously, half-moon forward (right) while you Tiger Claw (left) to face and Tiger Claw (right) to groin. Left arm wraps attacker's arm, Bear Paw (right) to attacker's left ear as you take down by pivoting 180 degrees to the left. Thrust Punch (right), Thrust Punch (left) to ribs, and Spear Hand Poke (right) to throat.

# 9 (Opponent attacks) Knife Hand (left) block to attacker's wrist. Front Ball Kick (right) to groin, left hand grabs attacker's head and pulls down exposing back, Downward Elbow (right) to spine. Right arm presses down while left hand grabs attackers (right) leg. You will push down on the back, then pull on belt and ankle until attacker is rolled over. Knife hand (right) to face or throat. (kiai)

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(This Page Last Updated ) Jan. 19, 1997