YELLOW BELT (5th Rokkyu)

# 1 PINAN - Front position and bow. Right foot steps out and arms assume inward blocking position. Begin Kunckle roll while exhaling.

Turn left and move into a forward left stance with left hand raised to the right ear. Left foot steps out while left hand blocks downard # 8 block,stepping into a forward stance.Half moon forward right foot, right front punch to solar plexes.

Turn 180 degrees to the right and # 7 block with right arm. Then half - moon forward with left front punch to solar plexes.

Turn 90 degrees to the feft into a forward stance. Left foot steps out while left arm blocks downward. (kiai)

Half - moon forward with right foot, right front punch to solar plexes. Then half - moon forward with the left foot, left front punch to solar plexes. Half - moon forward with right foot, right front punch to solar plexes.

With your left fist at your right ear, pivot to the left backwards 270 degrees into a half - moon, block with left arm downard # 8 block as left foot steps out into a forward stance. Half - moon forward with right foot as you right front punch to solar plexes.

Pivot to the right 180 degrees, drawing the right fists to your left ear into a Forward stance while right arm blocks downward (# 7 block). Half - moon forward with the left foot as you front punch left to solar plexes.

Pivot 90 degrees to the left into a Forward stance with left fists to the right ear, step out with left foot into a Forward stance while left blocks downard (# 8 block), (kiai).

Half - moon forward with right foot, right front punch to solar plexes. Then half - moon forward with left foot, left front punch to solar plexes. Half - moon forward with right foot, right front punch to solar plexes.

Raise left fist to the right ear, pivot to the left backwards 270 degrees into a half - moon with left foot while left arm blocks downward (# 8 block). Right foot half - moon forward while right front punch to solar plexes.

Raise right fist to the left ear, while you turn to the right 180 degrees into a Forward stance while right arm blocks downward (# 7 block). Left foot half - moon forward while left front punch to solar plexes.

Draw left foot left 180 degrees into horse stance, while arms are drawn into thr double inward blocking position ( knuckles facing out ). Begin knuckle rool while exhaling. Bring right foot to left. Front position and bow.


PURPLE BELT ( 3rd Rokkyu ) # 2 Pinan

# 2 Pinan - Front position and bow, Right foot steps out arms assume inward blocking position, Begin kunckle roll while exhaling.

Turn left with left hand raised to right ear. While left foot steps out into a forward stance, left arm blocks downward (# 8 block). Right foot half - moon forward while (right) Thrust Punch to the groin.

Turn 180 degrees to the right and (# 7 block) with right hand, then half - moon forward with Thrust Punch (left) to the groin. Turn 90 degrees to the left into a Forward stance. Again left foot out while left arm blocks downard (kiai)

Half - moon forward with right foot while (right) Front Punch to face, then Reverse Hammer to groin. Half - moon forward with left foot while (left) Front Punch to face, then Reverse Hammer (left) to groin.Half - Moon forward again. Right Front Punch to face, then right Reverse Hammer to groin.

Bring left fist to your right ear, pivot to the left backwards 270 degrees into a Forward stance, block with left arm downward (# 8 block) as left foot steps out into a forward stance. Half - moon forward with right foot as you (right) Back Punch to face.

Pivot to the right 180 degrees drawing the right fist to your left ear. Step right foot out into a Forward stance while right arm blocks downward (# 7 block). Half - moon forward with left foot as you (left) Back Punch to face.

Pivot 90 degrees to the left into a forward stance (left), bring left fists to right ear. Step out with left foot into a Forward stance while left arm blocks downward (# 8 block) (kiai).

Half - moon forward (right), upward block (# 5 block), then upward block (# 6 block), Thrust Punch (right) to groin, and then (left) Back Punch to face. Half -moon forward left, upward block (# 6 block), upward block (# 5 block), Thrust Punch (left) to groin and Back Punch right to face. Half - moon forward (right), upward block (# 5 block), upward block (# 6 block), Thrust Punch (right) to groin, and then Back Punch (left) to face.

Raise left fists to your right ear, pivot to the left turning backwards 270 degrees. Left foot steps out into a Forward stance while arm blocks downward (# 8 block). Half - moon forward (right) with (# 1 block), then Corkscrew Punch (right) to the face.

Raise right fists to your left ear while you turn to the right 180 degrees. Right foot steps out into a Forward stance while arm blocks downward (# 7 block). Half -moon forward (left) with (# 2block), then Corkscrew Punch (left) to face.

Right foot draws to the left 180 degrees into a horse stance while arm are at the double inward blocking position (kunckles are facing out). Kunckle roll while exhaling. Bring right foot to left, front position and bow.


BLUE BELT ( 2nd Rokkyu ) # 1 KATA

Front position and bow. Right foot steps out while fists (upward) cross block (kiai). Return to horse stance.

Front Ball Kick (left) to groin and step forward into a Forward stance. Front punch (right) to solar plexus, Front Ball Kick (right) to groin and step forward into a Forward stance. Front punch (left) to solar plexus.

Pivot to rear 180 degrees, left foot steps into a Forward stance as fists (upward) cross block. Left arm downward (# 8 block), Front punch (right) to solar plexus.

Turn to right 135 degrees, left foot should meet right, left fist is over right fist on right side of body. Left foot steps out into a horse stance (at a 45 degree angle) while fists (downward) cross block, trapping opponent's foot (kick). Fists open to grab ankle, left foot meets right, throw opponent's leg away and assume on-guard position with open knife hands. (Right hand overhead, left hand in front of solar plexus.

Turn left 90 degrees into a horse stance (pivot on left leg), double knife block. Knife hands (left over right) on right side of body, Spear Hand Polk (right) to the throat. Turn 180 degrees to the left (draw into a cat stance) while Palm Heel blocks in a downward arc.

Left foot steps forward into a Fordward stance while you Palm Heel (left) to the face. Front Ball Kick right to the groin, step forward into a forward stance.

Pivot to rear 180 degrees to the left (left leg draws in then out so that left foot is forward in the Forward stance) while left arm blocks (# 2 block), then Back Punch (left) to the face.

Move right foot to meet left foot, fist over fist (right over left) on the left side of body. Simultaneously, Side Kick (right) to the groin and back fist (right) to the face. Step down to a horse stance.

Left foot meets right, fist over fist (left over right) on the right side of body. Simultaneously, Side Kick (left) to the groin and back fist (left) to the face. Step down to a horse stance.

Fists (upward) cross block (kiai). Return to horse stance. Front position and bow.


BLUE BELT (1st Rokkyu) # 2 KATA

Front position and bow. Right foot steps out while fists (upward) cross block (kiai). Return to horse stance.

Half-moon backwards (right) upward Chicken Wrist (left) to face. Half-moon backwards (left) upward Chicken Wrist (right) to face. Front Ball Kick (left) to the groin, step down into a Forward stance.

Pivot to the rear 180 degrees to the right in a cat stance.Turn 45 degrees to the left, Side Kick (right) to lower abdomen., right foot steps down into a half moon stance 90 degrees to the left, half-moon (right) backwards, open hand block (#2 block) and then Spear Hand Polk (left) to the throat. Half-moon forward (right) into a side horse stance while you Knife Hand (right) to the neck.

Turn 180 degrees into a cat stance while overhead downward palm (right) blocks. Left foot steps out while Palm Heel (left) to face.

Front Ball Kick (right) to groin, step down into a Forward stance with hands in an on guard-position. Half-moon (left) forward 45 degrees to the left, while left arm outward block (# 2block) and Front Punch (right) to solar plexus.Then Half-moon forward (right) while right arm outward block (# 1block) and Front Punch (left) to solar plexus.

Ball Kick (right) and then side kick from the same flamingo stance. Then step down into a horse stance. Turn (left) 90 degrees into an on-guard cat stance. Right foot steps out at a 45 degree angle into a horse stance. Front Punch (right) downward while open hand (left) stays on-guard across chest (kiai).

Half-moon (right) forward into a horse-stance, fists (upward) cross block (kiai), return fists to horse stance. Right foot meets left foot, front position and bow.



#3 pinan - Front position and bow. Right foot steps out into a horse stance and arms assume inward block position. Begin knuckle roll while exhaling. then pull Thrust Punches back into a horse stance and slowly push them back down while exhaling.

Turn left 90 degrees into a cat stance while you block (#2 block). Right foot meets left. Simultaneous, left arm (#8 block) and right arm (#1 block), then reverse with right arm (#7 block) and left arm (#2 block).

Right foot steps back, then pivot to the right 180 degrees into a cat stance while you block (#1 block). Left foot meets right. Simultaneous, right arm (#7 block) and left arm (#2 block), then reverse with left arm (#8 block) and right arm (#1 block).

Left foot steps out into a horse stance, left arm (#2 block) and Thrust Punch (right) to solar plexus 90 degrees to the left. pivot to the left 90 degrees, right foot moves forward into a low half-moon stance while you Spear Hand Poke (right) to the groin with left hand as bridge.

Sweep attacker's leg away with right hand, turn counter-clockwise 360 degrees into a side horse stance, Back Fist (left) to the left (kiai).

Pivot to the left 90 degrees to a low Forward stance (right), Thrust Punch (right). Pivot to the left 180 degrees, right foot sweeps around meets left, and fists on hips to form Wing block.

Front Ball kick (right) to the groin, step down into side horse stance, pivot upper torso 90 degrees to the left blocking with Crain's Wing (right), draw into cat stance with (#1 block). Simultaneous, Lunge forward (right), Back Punch (right) to face and Tiger's Palm (left) to groin.

Left foot meets right with fists on hips to form Wing block. Front Ball kick (left) to groin, step down into side horse stance, pivot upper torso 90 degrees to thr right blocking with Crane's Wing (left), draw into a cat stance with #2 block. Simultaneously, Lunge forward (left), Back Punch (left) to face and Tiger's Palm (right) to groin.

Right foot meets left with fists on hips to form Wing block. Front Ball kick (right) to groin, step down into side horse stance, pivot upper torso 90 degrees to the left blocking with Crane's Wing (right), draw into a cat stance with (#1 block). Simultaneously, Lunge forward (right), Back Punch (right) to face and Tiger's Palm (left) to groin.

Half-Moon forward (left) with Front Punch (left) to solar plexus. Right foot moves forward into horse stance with Round-house Elbow (right) to face.

Pivot 180 degrees to the right into horse stance with Round-house Elbow (left) to face. Left foot over right into a Twist Stance as Roundhouse Elbow (right) to midsection. Jump to the right into a horse stance, Roundhouse Elbow (left) to head (kiai).

Thrust Punch (right) and then Thrust Punch (left) to the lower torso. Simultaneous Outward blocks, simultaneous Front Punch (left and right) to face.

Arms assume inward blocking position, begin knuckle roll while exhaling. Then pull Thrust Punches back into a horse stance and slowly push them back down while exhaling. Right foot meets left, front position and bow.



#4 pinan - Front position and bow. Right foot steps out into a horse stance and arms assume inward blocking position. Begin knuckle roll while exhaling. then pull Thrust Punches back into a horse stance and slowly push them back down while exhaling.

Turn left 90 degrees into cat stance while Knife Hands arc overhead to an on-guard position. Turn right 180 degrees into a cat stance while Knife Hands arc overhead to an on-guard position. Turn left 90 degrees, right foot meets left, Lunge (left) forward with downward crossblock (right over left). Half-moon forward (right) while Simultaneously, right arm (#1block) and Front Punch (left) to solar plexus.

Right foot draws backwards to front position. Fist over fist (left over right) on right side of body. Simultaneously, side kick (left) and back fist (left). Left hand grabs attacker's head, turn left 90 degrees into a Forward stance (left) and pull attacker into a Roundhouse Elbow (right) to face (kiai). Turn right 90 degrees, left foot meets right, fist over fist (right over left) on left side of body. Simultaneously, side kick (right) and Back Fist (right). Right hand grabs attacker's head, turn right 90 degrees into a Forward stance (right) and pull attacker into a Roundhouse Elbow (left) to the face (kiai)

Pivot left 135 degrees while simultaneously upward Knife Hand block (left) and Rising Ridge Hand (right) to groin. Grab attacker and pull as you Front Kick (right). Step at 45 degrees into a Twist Stance and Simultaneously block with right arm (#1block) and Thrust Punch (left). Right foot steps back as you pivot left 180 degrees into a cat stance.

Front Ball Kick (left) to groin, left foot steps down into a forward stance (left), Front Punch (left) and Front Punch (right) to the face. Step 90 degrees to the right as you draw into a cat stance. Front Ball Kick (right) to the groin, right foot steps down into a forward stance (right), Front Punch (right) and Front Punch (left) to face.

Step 45 degrees to the left as you draw in to a cat stance (left) with Circular blocks, twist, Palm (right). Right foot steps forward then draws into a cat stance (right) with Circular blocks, twist, Palm (left. ). Left foot steps forward then draws into a cat stance (left) with Circular blocks, twist, Palm (right). Thumbs to eyes and pull head into Rising Knee (right) (kiai).

Pivot left 180 degrees into a cat stance (left) with Circular blocks, twist, Palm (right). Right foot steps forward into a cat stance with Circular blocks. Right foot steps out into a horse stance and arms assume inward blocking position. Begin kuncle roll. then pull Thrust Punches back into a horse stance and slowly push them back down while exhaling. Right foot meets left, front position and bow.

BROWN BELT ( 3RD DEGREE) (Sankyu ) # 3 kata

3 KATA -- Front position and bow. Right foot steps out while Spear Hands (upward) cross block (kiai). Return to horse stance. Right foot steps bach as left foot draws into a cat stance with Knife Hands in a circular overhead on-guard position.
Left foot steps down, half-moon (right) forward, circular Ris- ing Ridge Hand (right), and circular Rising Ridge Hand (Ieft). Spear Hand poke (right) to groin, and Spur Hand Poke (left) to throat. Front Ball Kick (left).
pivot to the rear (to the right 180 degrees) into a Forward (right) stance with right arm (#1 block), Back Punch (right) to face. Turn left 360 degrees into low crouched position, jump up, Scissors Kick (right) to solar plexus. Land in Forward stance (left) and left arm (# 8 blodr) (kiai).
Right foot step forward (parallel to left foot), left fool draws into cat stance while left arm (# 8 block) with dynamic tension. Pivot left 90 degrees (right foot moves), Tigers' Palms (both left and right) with dynamic tension as you draw into a cat stance (left). Right foot steps forward (parallel to left), Immortal Man (both left and right) with dynamic tension as you draw into a cat stance.
Left foot steps forward into a Forward stance while Knife Hand (left) block, then TIEN HSUEN gnab to attacker's right forearm. Front Ball Kick (right) to groin, Back Kid (right) to solar plexus, and then Side Blade Kick (right) to solar plexus. Right foot steps down into a horse stance.
Left foot steps in front of right into a twist stance with open hands in on-guud position. Side kid: (left) to solar plexus, cross � over into a side horse stance with open hands in on-guard position.
pivot left on Left foot. upward Knife Hand (Ieft) block with Leopard's Paw (right) under arm. right foot arcs around into a horse stance. Pivot left 180 degrees on right foot as left arcs around into a horse stance. simultaneously Elbow (left) to ribs and Tiger's Claw (right) to groin. Left hand sweep attacker's leg away as right hand pulls on groin. Knife Hand (right) to groin (kiai).
Turn right 90 degrees into a T stance. right arm (# 7 block). Lunge (right) foot forward and Front Punch (left) to body (kiai). Step back into a horse stance. Spear Hands (upward) cross block (kiai). Return to horse stance. Right foot meets left. front posi- tion and bow.


THE CRANE FORM Green Belt (Gokyu)

Front position and bow. Right foot steps out into a horse stance and arms assume inward block position. Begin knuckle roll while exhaling. Left foot meets right while arms are extended down (left wrist over right).

Pivot 135 degrees to the left into a forward stance (left) while simultaneous left arm blocks (#2 block) and Front Punch (right) to solar plexus. Pivot 135 degrees to the right, right foot meets left, and right wrist over left. Pivot 135 degrees to the right while simultaneous right arm blocks (#1 block) and Front Punch (left) to solar plexus.

Left foot meets right as right foot pivots 90 degrees to the left with wrist on hips to form Crane's Wing"s. hop forward on left leg, hop backwards on right, then jump backwards 45 degrees to the left on your left leg into a Crane stance.

Right foot steps forward into Forward stance while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (right) and Spear Hand Poke (left) to throat. Half-moon forward (left), Front Punch (left), Front Punch (right), and Front Punch (left) to the solar plexus.

Jump up, spin 135 degrees to the left, (landing on left leg) into a Crane's stance. Right foot steps into Forward stance while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (right) and Spear Hand Poke (left) to throat. Half-moon forward (left), Front Punch (left), Front Punch (right), and Front Punch (left) to the solar plexus.

Left hand grabs attacker's head, Cresent Kick (right) to head (attacker falls down). Left foot pivots 90 degrees to the left while right foot steps down into a low Forward stance (left) and Thrust Punch (right) downward.

Jump up into a Crane's stance (landing on left leg). Right foot steps into a Forward stance while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (right) and Spear Hand Poke (left) to throat. Half-moon forward (left), Front Punch (left), Front Punch (right), and Front Punch (left) to the solar plexus.

Left foot steps backwards to right foot, fists over fists (right over left) on left side of body. Lung (right) forward while simultaneously (U Punch) Front Punch (left) to face and Back Punch (right) to groin.

Right foot steps backwards to left foot, fists over fists (left over right) on right side of body. Lung (left) forward while simultaneously (U Punch) Front Punch (right) to face and Back Punch (left) to groin.

Half-Moon forward (right) while simultaneously (U Punch) Front Punch (left) to face and Back Punch (right) to groin. From the (U Punch) Front Punch (left) to face and Back Punch (right) to groin. From the U Punch, fists open, strike face and groin, then Fireman's throw while you pivot 180 degrees to the left (kiai).

Left foot half-moon backwards while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (right) and Spear Hand Poke (left) to throat. Half-moon forward (left) while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (left) and Spear Hand Poke (right) to throat. Half-moon forward (right) while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (right) and Spear Hand Poke (left) to throat. Half-moon forward (left) while simultaneously, Upward Knife Hand block (left) and Spear Hand Poke (right) to throat.

Left foot steps back into a horse stance and arms assume inward blocking position. Begin kunckle roll while exhaling. right foot meets left, front position and bow.