Dragon Temple Update

Thoughts on the Dragon Temple by Linda Lee

This page was taken from Black Belt Magazine. Check out their site to find out more about The Dragon Temple.

Dragon Temple is an important step in the evolution of martial arts. Its existence recognizes the growth, popularity and significance of the arts in the Western World. Dragon Temple legitimizes the study of martial arts as a worthwhile endeavor.
When I was first exposed to the martial arts, about 35 years ago, they were considered something exotic and foreign. The only reference you could even find in the Yellow Pages of the telephone book was to Judo. In the 90's, karate and kung fu are household names and martial arts schools proliferate. It is time to institutionalize recognition of the martial arts by creating a home for them in the Dragon Temple.
It is entirely appropriate for Dragon Temple to become the home of the Bruce Lee International Museum of Martial Arts. As a martial artist and a filmmaker Bruce is primarily responsible for the growth of martial arts in this country. As my son Brandon used to say about his father's work, "Bruce Lee single-handedly created a genre in the film industry." His multitude of fans remain reverent of Bruce's physical skills and creative genius and consider his films to be the classics of action movies. In the 23 years since his death, the public has come to admire Bruce, not only for his fighting talents, but to an even greater extent for the depth of his knowledge about the martial arts. Bruce always considered himself a martial artist first and an actor second. The Dragon Temple Museum will bestow that honor upon him in the eyes of the public.
I believe that the study of martial arts can contribute greatly to the deterrence of juvenile problems in our society. A youngster studying the martial arts gains confidence through being coming physically capable of self-defense while at the same time learning the skills to use mental self-defense techniques to avoid conflict. The values of respect and integrity should be part of well-rounded martial arts training, and it is essential that an underlying philosophy be taught in the curriculum. Dragon Temple, as a non-profit corporation, can devote resources to the development of the educated, total martial artist. This is the most important function of the museum - it will make it a living, working entity rather than just a warehouse of memerobilia.
It does my heart good to know that there will be a Brandon Lee Performing Arts Center. While Brandon was an accomplished martial artist, his first love was acting. At the time of his death his upcoming films were to depart from the action genre and feature Brandon in dramatic roles. We are thrilled that Dragon Temple will honor Brandon's ability in and love for the dramatic arts.
The concept of Dragon Temple should unite the various styles of martial arts. One of the reasons that Bruce did not refer to his way of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do, as a style was because he said styles divide people. The Dragon Temple can recognize that different styles exist and at the same time bring them together under thesame roof. It will serve as an educational resource to teach people that the goal of all martial arts is the same: to gain insights into one's behavior by intelligently processing the knowledge and information to which we are exposed everyday. In addition, by combining several venues in the complex, there will be several stages for the martial arts from various cultures and nations. The martial arts world should welcome this harmonious gathering of the arts.

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