Islamic Hell and Unbelievers
Now we will enter the Islamic Hell brought into existence by Mohammad's hallucination and weird imagination.
[al-Bayyinah 98:1-8 ]
The unbelievers among the People of the Book and the pagans
shall burn for ever in the fire of Hell. They are the vilest
of all creatures.
Here "People of The Book" refers to Christians and Jews. So according to Prophet Mohammad, Christians, Jews and
pagans are the vilest of all creatures in the world. Islam in deed holds a high respect for people of other religions !!
[al-Hajj 22:19-22:23]
Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers.
Sclading water shall be poured upon their heads, melting
their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall
be lashed rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they
try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and
will be told: "Taste the torment of the Conflagration!"
Here Mohammad has imagined vividly how people of other religions will be punished in Hell. By his sick and disgusting
imagination, he is trying to make sure that people of other religions convert to Islam out of sheer terror of Hell.
And if this terror doesn't work, then the Muslims are always instructed to convert unbelievers to Islam brutally by force in
[al-kahf 18:28-30]
For the wrongdoers We have prepared a fire which will
encompass them like the walls of a pavilion. When they
cry out for help they shall be showered with water as
hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces. Evil
shall be their drink, dismal their resting-place.
Who are the "wrong-doers" here ? None other than the people who DO NOT follow Islam. So Prophet Mohammad here
continues with his hallucination and gives the description of Islamic Hell in the form of a revelation.
[al-Mu'min 40:67-40:73]
Do you not see how those who dispute the revelation of
God turn away from the right path ? Those who have denied
the Book and the message We sent through Our apostles
shall realize the truth hereafter: when, with chains and
shackles round their necks, they shall be dragged through
scalding water and then burnt in the fire of Hell.
Prophet Mohammad here explains what will happen to those people who choose NOT to follow his revelation "Quran"- a
manual of plunder, rape and murder. So for people of other religions following scriptures other than Quran, Allah has
pre-planned punishment. First they shall be dragged through scalding water with chains around their necks and then they will
be burnt in the fire of Hell. Allah is truly merciful !!
[az-Zukhruf 43:74]
..The unbelievers shall endure forever the torment of Hell.
The punishment will never be lightened, and they shall be
speechless with despair. We do not wrong, themselves.
Mohammad was not satisfied by just having burnt the unbelievers once in Hell. So here he is saying that the punishment is
never-ending and people following other religions will be burnt in Hell forever.
[ar-Rahman 55:41-52]
..That is the Hell which the unbelievers deny. They shall
wander between fire and water fiercely seething. Which of
your Lord's blessing would you deny ?
[ad-Dahr 76:1-5]
For the unbelievers We have prepared chains and fetters
and a blazing Fire...
[al-Muzammil 73:12]
We have in store for the unbelievers heavy fetters and
a blazing fire, choking food and harrowing torment: on
the day when the earth shall quiver with all its mountains,
and the mountains crumble into heaps of shifting sand.
Once again, in the above verses, Mohammad is emphasizing that heavy fetters, choking food and hell fire are in store for the
unbelievers while the Muslims enjoy the beautiful virgins and young boys in Islamic Paradise.
[al-Mursalat 77:20-77:50]
Woe on that day to the disbelievers! Begone to the Hell
which you deny! Depart into the shadow that will rise
high in three columns, giving neither shade nor shelter
from the flames, and throwing up sparks as huge as towers,
as bright as yellow camels...Eat and enjoy yourselves
awhile. You are wicked men..."
In the above verse, Prophet Mohammad is making sure that the people of other religions do not get any shade or shelter when
they are burnt up in the Islamic Hell. Allah is also revealing to him that all people other than Muslims are basically
wicked in nature.
[al-Anfal 8:73]
The unbelievers give aid and comfort to each other.
If you fail to do likewise, there will be disorder
in the land and great corruption.
The Great Mohammad divided the Arabian society in two tight compartments: Momins and Kafirs. The believers did not have to
be better men than the unbelievers in terms of character or consciousness. Believers had only to recite the Kalima (incantation)-
"there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his Prophet." By doing that the believers become qualified to kill as many
unbelievers as they could or pleased, looting and burning their belongings and enslaving their women and children in the
process. In the above verse, Prophet Mohammad once again is telling his followers to help each other in banning up against
unbelievers (people of other religions)
[al-Anbiya' 21:96-21:101]
..The unbelievers shall stare in amazement, crying:
'Woe to us! Of this we have been heedless. We have
done wrong.' You and your idols shall be the fuel of
Hell; therein you sall all go down.
This verse is another instance which displays the deep respect Islam shows towards other religions. Here Prophet Mohammad is
stating that people who choose to represent God by idols will be burnt in hell along with their idols. Islam is truly
compassionate towards other religions !!
[al-Ahzab 33:7-12]
...But for the unbelievers He has prepared a woeful punishment...
Here, we find the same old blabbering by Mohammad once again regarding how unbelievers will be punished.
[ad-Dukhan 44:40-49]
..The fruit of the Zaqqum tree shall be the unbelievers's
fruit. Like dregs of oil, like scalding water, it shall
simmer in his belly. A voice will cry: 'Seize him and drag
him into the depths of Hell. Then pour out scalding water
over his head, saying: "Taste this, illustrious and honourable
man! This is the punishment which you have doubted."
[at-Tur 52:1-52:15]
..On that day they shall be sternly thrown into the
fire of Hell, and a voice will say to them: 'This is
the Fire which you denied...Burn in its flames. It
is the same whether or not you show forbearance.
You shall be rewarded according to your deeds.'
[Luqman 31-37]
And burn ye him in the blazing fire. Further, make him march
in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits. This was he
that would not believe in allah
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