Prophet of Terror -- Part 3
In this part, I will be focusing on three events that define the nature of Islam's foundations. At this stage, the Jews were becoming
increasingly dissatisfied and angered at the deeds of the Muslims. The Jewish Tribes were hard working trades people, whose
purpose in life was to earn a living through honest means and hard effort. They were perfectly content with
the religion of their forefathers and had never anticipated that the man to whom they had given shelter so graciously, would
turn into the power crazed monster who was now turning around to attack them. Mohammad was in the position to carry out his
hidden ambitions, which became clear soon enough.
With the utmost disregard for all human morality, ethics, or respect for human life, the Prophet of Islam systematically
targeted and slaughtered the very Jews of Medinah who had helped him when everyone else in Arabia was kicking him like
a dog. He was motivated by these primary reasons:
1.His fanatic greed for all the wealth that had been created by the blood, sweat and toil of the Jews.
2.His maniacal craving for power at any cost. The Jews were the biggest obstacle in his plan to subjugate all of
Medinah, so they had to be removed, by any means possible.
3.His fear of all other religions. Mohammad was a delusional Megalomaniac, meaning he believed that he was the Supreme
Ruler of the world. Anything that threatened this sick fantasy of his, had to be exterminated. Since, the religion of the
Jews rejected his pathetic claims to Divine rule, they were the targeted victims in Medinah, just as the Polytheistic Arabs
had been his victims in Mecca.
The incidents narrated below demonstrate the horrific depth of Mohammad's atrocities. Keep in mind that Mohammad is the Model
of Good Islamic behaviour and you will realise how Islam advocates genocide in the name of religion.
8) Murder of a Jewish Elder from Khaybar
Date: Late April 626 A.D.
Place: The Jewish Oasis of Khyber
Victims: Abu Rafi
The Muslims who had murdered Kaab Ibn Al Ashraf the famous poet of the Banu-N-Nair (See earlier) were considered as heroes by
Mohammad and his followers. Murderers were considered as ideal Muslims. A group of Muslims from the Khazraj Tribe decided to
prove their loyalty to their Prophet by killing off a respectable member of the Jewish Community.
Abu Rafi was an elderly man who had never done anything against Mohammad or the Muslims. He just happened to be the
unfortunate target of Mohammad's plot to terrorize the Jews.
The Prophet wanted to send out a message to the Jews, which spelt out clearly that Mohammad was in control of their lives.
The "expedition" to kill the poor old helpless man had the specific blessings of the "Merciful" Prophet. About Six of them broke into
the Old man's house in the middle of the night and slashed him to ribbons as he slept. The cowardly Muslims always assassinated
people in this way, while the victim slept, obviously because they had neither the courage nor the strength to fight even a solitary,
aged Jewish Man while he was awake. After their crime, the Muslims fled back home into the arms of their expectant Prophet.
There was a fight among them as to who had actually killed Abu Rafi. At this, the Prophet smiled beatifically and started checking
their swords. Finally, it was decided that the person who owned the sword which still had traces of food in it, was the winner.
Apparently Abu Rafi had just finished his dinner before falling asleep and the sword had slashed through his stomach spilling its
contents. Indeed how Benevolent was the Apostle of Peace!
9) Massacre, Rape and Plunder of Banu-L-Mustaliq
Date: December 626 A.D.
Place: The well of Muraysi near Red Sea
Victims: The Tribe of Banu-L-Mustaliq
Mohammad attacked the Banu-L-Mustaliq because of their wealth. In a surprise raid, the Muslims drove them to the Sea. They
slaughtered many members of the Banu-N-Mustaliq Tribe and looted away a booty of 2000 Camels, 5000 Sheep and 500 Women!
500 women were captured screaming and crying after they had watched their husbands and sons being slaughtered. The most
beautiful captive was Juwayriyya, daughter of the chief of the Banu-L-Mustaliq. Mohammad snatched her to satisfy his own
animal lust. The captured women were supposed to be returned by the Muslims upon payment of a ransom. But the night after the
battle itself, Mohammad and his army raped each and every one of them. One of the men Abu Sa'id Khudri of Mohammad's army
reported :
"We were lusting after women and chastity had become too hard for us, but we wanted to get the ransom money for our prisoners.
So we wanted to use the "Azl" (Coitus Interruptus- where the man withdraws before ejaculating)...We asked the Prophet about it
and he said:
"You are not under any obligation to stop yourselves from doing it like that.." Later on the women and children were given for
ransom to their envoys. They all went away to their country and not One wanted to stay although they had the choice.."
So the Great Prophet of Peace told his men it was perfectly FINE to rape women as long as you didn't ejaculate inside them (which
made them pregnant). What supreme logic! Any human being with the slightest shred of morality has to be nauseated by this Man
and the religion he preached. Mohammad, the supreme religious figurehead of Islam sanctions RAPE, pure and simple. Not only did
the Muslims commit this horrifying crime, they decieved the Tribesmen into paying Ransom for their womenfolk, who only paid
the money in a desperate attempt to save their women's honor. To call such a Prophet and his followers the epitome of Evil is
probably an understatement.
10) Massacre of the Banu-Qurayza
Date: April-May 627 A.D.
Place: Medinah
Victims: The Last Jewish Tribe left in Medinah The Banu-Qurayza.
By this time, Mohammad had murdered or driven out all of the Jewish Tribes of Medinah, except the Banu Qurayza. It was time to
eliminate this last thorn in his flesh. The Banu Qurayza had been reluctant in helping Mohammad against the Quraysh. Conveniently
once again, Mohammad claimed that he had divine knowledge about a conspiracy by the Banu-Qurayza to kill him. He beseiged their
fortress for Twenty-Five days. When the starving Tribe surrendered, Mohammad forced an old man from their own Tribe to
pronounce Mohammad's sentence. The sentence was death to every male member of the Tribe, Slavery for every woman and child
and Plunder of all their property.
The Prophet had an immense trench dug around the main market of Medinah. The men of the Banu Qurayza were rounded up &
their hands twisted tightly behind them. Then one by one, they were shoved to the edge of the trench and forced to kneel.
They were offered a last chance to convert to "The True Faith" and if they refused, had their heads chopped off by Ali the cruel
executioneer. As soon as one head would roll off, the corpse would be kicked into the ditch, and so it went.
By the time Dawn had colored the sky red in Medinah, hundreds of corpses piled up in a heap in a tangled cesspool of blood, hair
and shreds of flesh. Despite the horrific end in front of their eyes, none of the Jews chose to convert to Islam and faced death
valiantly. The blood of 900 innocent Jews stained Mohammad's hands on that black day.
Their only crime was that they chose to retain their fundamental human right, of choosing their own God and the religion of their
ancestors. Hysterical women & children screamed as they watched their fathers, husbands & sons die. The majority of them were
raped savagely and then bundled off to be sold as "used goods". The Prophet had the husband of the Jewess Raihana Bint Amr
hacked to pieces before her very eyes, hours after he had murdered her father. No doubt this was the Prophet's perverted version
of a wedding present, because after these atrocities he raped the mortified girl and tried to force her to convert to Islam.
Muslim historians still describe the savage rape of Raihana Bint Amr as her "willing submission to Islam and wifehood to the
Apparently according to them it is very natural to imagine that a woman who has just seen her husband, father, brothers and Tribe
slaughtered violently before her very eyes, would CHOOSE to convert to the religion of the murderer and marry him! In actual fact
Raihana REFUSED to convert to Islam and also refused to marry Mohammad the murderer of her family. He kept her as a lowly
concubine all his life. So much for the "Apostle of Peace" and his unbounded RESPECT for women. Mohammad was nothing but a
serial rapist, who acquired his victims by killing their families first.
Allah as usual has provided yet another timeless Divine revelation which gives his Prophet the Right to rape and torture women of
other religions.
[an-Nisa' 4:24]
"And all married women are forbidden unto
you EXCEPT those captives whom your right
hand possesses. It is a decree of Allah for
you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those
mentioned, so that you seek them with your
wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery..."
In short Allah the All Merciful is saying "Hey Muslims, it's a crime to go after married women, but IF they happen to be your
captives (which obviously all the non-Muslim women were) feel free to indulge yourself in rape and sexual torture of them.
"lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned" Allah is making it LEGAL for Muslims to go ahead and rape Non-Muslim women
by Divine Law!
One shudders to imagine what kind of minds invented such utterly sadistic and disgusting ideas.
Mohammad justified all his crimes against the Jews with more of Allah's revelations. Although the following Surahs were not
revealed at the same time as the Massacre of Banu Quraizyah, they nevertheless give a general idea of the Prophet's views on
Jews and why it is perfectly fine to kill, loot and rape them.
[al-Ma'idah 5:51]
O you who believe! Take not the Jews and
Christians for friends. They are friends one
to another. He among you who taketh them
for friends is one of them. Lo allah guideth
not wrongdoing folk.
[al-Ma'idah 5:64]
The Jews say: "Allah's hand is fettered."
It is THEIR hands that are fettered and
they are ACCURSED for saying so. Nay,
but both his (Allah's) hands are spread in
bounty. He bestoweth as he will. That which
hath been revealed unto thee from thy Lord
is certain to increase the contumacy and belief
of many of them, And We have cast among them
(The Jews) Enmity and Hatred till the day of
Resurrection. As often as they light a fire for
war, Allah extinguishes it!
The above verses clearly demonstrate the Muslim's hatred of Jews as prescribed by their Prophet. They also expose the hollow
claims of Muslims, about Islam being a peaceful religion that always co-existed with Judaism and Christanity. These historical
events form the basis of the Islamic code of behaviour.
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