1- Hafsa daughter of Umar was one of Mohammad's wives.

2- Omm Habiba ����� �� , daughter of Abu Safiyan, sister of Moavie ������ was one of Mohammads wives. That makes Moavie ������ Mohammad's brother-in-law.

3- Zainab Mohammad's daughter was given by Mohammad himself to Abu al-ass ������� .
He fought Mohammad in the war of Badr.

4- Roghieh ��� Mohammad's daughter was Usman's ����� wife, she died after receiving lots of beating from Usman �����.
Mohammad THEN gave Um Kolsoom ����� �� , his other daughter to Usman.

5- Um Kolsoom ����� �� daughter of Ali and Fatima was married to Umar.

6- When Mohammad was taken ill, he sent Abu Baker to mosque to preform Mohammad's duty and NOT Ali.

7- When Mohammad died did not leave any testament.

8- THEY say: Mohammad choose Ali as his successor in Ghadir Khom ������ infront of 70000-120000 moslems. After Mohammad died NOBODY listen to Mohammad's words and they followed Abu Baker. There were almost nobody to testify to ������ .

9- Abu Baker did leave a testament and choose Umar as his successor.

10- Ali sworn allegiance with Umar and HELPED him in the wars with Iran. He was present in Tysfon ������ and received one part of the Baharestan carpet as his share of the theft, Ali was aslo very helpful in the preparation of the war of Nahavand, according to Ali himself.

11- Firooz ����� killed Umar. Firooz, Hormozan ������ (one of Iranian army officers), Hanife ����� (Saad aby Vaghas's ���� ��� �� slave) were killed by Abiid-allah ibn Umar ��� ��� ������ in the same day.

12- Usman, Mohammad's daughter-in-law, ordered the massacre of people of Tabarestan, Hassan and Hossian took part on that massacre.

13- Usman was killed in year 35, by people who revolting against his rule. Hassan and Hossian were there at Usman's house to "protect" him but couldnt/didnt do anything.

14- Ali NEVER claimed to be Imam, NEVER claimed to be the innocent Imam, NEVER claimed anything, expect Khelafat ��� .
There is nothing in his Nahjol-balaghe to the contrary. He talks about the Khelafat, Khelafat and Khelafat.

15- Ali killed, Moavie's ������ grandmother, Moavie's brother and Moavie's uncle in the war of Badr.

16- Abduallh Ibn Mojlem ��� �� ��󐢓� , one of the Khavarej ����� , one of Ali's old budies killed him.

17- Hassan had between 70 to 300 women slaves(kaniz). Was Killed (poisoned) by one of his "disappointed" wives.

18- Hassan sold claiphate to Moavie and get paid for it.

19- Hossein was born in year 4 H. Tazis first attack to Iran was in year 12 H. and attack on Tysfon was in year 17.
Thats make Hossian 13 at that time.

20- Hossein never married Shahrbanu.

21- Sakiine ���� daughter of Hossein was married to sex different man. She was famous to throw best parties, not political parties off cource.

22- When Hossein was in Meka, wrote many letters to Basra and claimed the Khelafat, NOT emamat.

23- When Zian-ol-Abedin ������� ��� learnt the Al-hamd verse,
Hossien gave 100 gold coins to his teacher.

24- After Hossien's piece by piece depature, his followers choose his son Hanife ����� as his successor. Hanife died in year 80 H. But his followers said that he hasnt died, he will come back as Mehdi, the time machine man. Followers of Hanife called Shia Kyssanieh ������� or chahar emami. Shemr was Abbas's uncle (daie).

25- ��� �� , is a ������� �� . Who is not a lawful wife according to Islamic laws. Childern of these kind of marriages consider "haram-zadeh" �������� in Islam or in English born out of wedlock. According to Islamist these women should be killed now in these day and age.

26- Zian-ol Abedin ������� ��� is from a Um-valad ��� �� .
Zian-ol Abedin didnt participated in the Karbala war due to his illness and survived. He is the only Imam that has only one wife. They say he accepted to pay the expenses for 400 familes. Where did he get all the money?????

27- Mohammad Bagher �쑓���� was born in 57 H. He loved mourning. He used to pay people to cry. Nobody took him seriously.
His brother Zid Ibn Ali ��� �� ��� claimed the Khelafat and was killed by Abulmalek ���󐢓� . He sent Zid Ibn Ali's head to other cities for people to watch.

28- Jafar Sadegh 83-148 H. He choose his son, Ismaiel as his successor but Ismaiel died in year 145. Followers of Ismaiel chose his son Mohammad to become the 7th Imam. This group called Shia Ismaielieh �������� or haft emami.

29- Transition from Umavi to Abbassian happend in Jafar's time but there were no sign of Bani Hashem family coming to power.

30- Mosa Kazem ���� ���� 128 H. Aslo son of a Um-valad by the name Hamideh ����� .
He had 18 sons, 23 daughter and many many women slaves. That's why we have too many people running around now and calling themselves Seyed.

31- Ali Ibn Mosa ��������� 148 H., called Reza. Also from a Um-valad by the name "Takattom" ��� .
The name "Reza" was given to him by M�mon ����� , meaning he was so content. M�mon ����� the claiphe was living in Khorasan at that time, he called Reza to Khorasan and made him his successor.

Shadravan Kasravi have said:

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'' ����� �� �� ������ ���� ������� ���� �

Ahamd one of Mosa's son is also from Um-valad, he is buried in Shiraz, Shahe Cheragh 吤� ��� is this guy.
Ahmad had several thousands women slaves.
M�some ������ (Fatimeh), who is buried in Ghom, is Reza's sister and she is also from the Um-valad, Takattom ���

32- Mohammad Taghi �엢��� 195 H. also from Um-valad by the name "Sabkiee" �� .
He Married M�mon's(his father's killer, according to shia) daughter. Shia beleive that his wife poisoned him too.

33- Ali Naghi ������ 212 H. also from Um-valad by the name Sakil ��� . He was also poisoned.

34- Claiphe Movakel ���� in his time ordered to destroy the Karbala(Hossian's grave) and till the soil.

35- Hassan Askari ���� ��� 232 H. Claiphe Mo�tamed ����� ordered to keep his wives under observation just to avoid the talk of people. His women slave who claimed that she was pregnant was under observation for two years and there were no sign of any child. There was a dispute between Hassan Askari's mother and his brother(Jafar) over his wealth which draged for 7 years. Jafar also known as Jafar-e kazAb ���� (who denys), he admited that Hassan Askari had NO child.

36- Shah Abul-Azim ����󐢓� ��� who is polluting the city of Ray, is son of son of son of one of these Um-valads.

AS you see these people were so savage that they killed themselves, killed their family memebers and they were SOOOO hated that many of them were killed by their wives. And we have led to beleive that these guys were holy and innocent, ya right.

Thanks to Yazdgerd III

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