311. squadron

Honorary Czech pilots wings and certificate of issue
Honorary Czech pilots wings
and certificate of issue
A letter from Group Captain Josef Berounsky to W/C Simmonds
A letter from Group Captain
Josef Berounsky to W/C Simmonds
A telegram to W/C Simmonds from 311 Sqd congratulating him on the award
A telegram to W/C Simmonds
from 311 Sqd congratulating him
on the award of his DFC
A letter from W/C K Toman to W/C Simmonds
A letter from W/C K Toman
to W/C Simmonds
A letter from Air Vice Marshal K Janousek to W/C Simmonds
A letter from Air Vice Marshal
K. Janousek to W/C Simmonds
A letter from Squadron Leader Josef Ocelka to W/C Simmonds
A letter from
S/Ldr Josef Ocelka
to W/C Simmonds

Special thanks to Grant Cornwell, England