Activities Report Jul 2000 Newsletter

Flash Floods 
        The never-ending problem of flash floods in Kuala Lumpur is both costly and inconvenient.  It also indicates problems with our system of drainage and our rivers.  There are many things involved  in maintaining proper river systems that can handle large unanticipated amounts of water.  River deepening is costly, time-consuming and unnecessary if care is taken to reduce entry of silt into the river in the first place.  That is why river buffer zones which allow no development should be enforced throughout the length of the river.
       Another important aspect is the protection and maintenance of watersheds and its natural forest and vegetation cover.  Forests acts as sponges that retain rainfall and releasing them back slowly into the river during drought or normal times.  Flood mitigation infrastructures in flood prone urban areas need to be budgeted into municipality annual development plan. Infrastructures such as bunding, storm retention ponds, canals etc can help manage a greater drainage load.
      The general public must also play their part in reducing and controlling flash floods. How many of our gardens are cemented directing all the rainwater into drains that flow into rivers instead of seeping to the ground?  Do we take care that rubbish goes into their proper place and not thrown into drains and rivers?  Very often, broken and unused furniture or electrical appliances find their way into rivers blocking water flow.
         Once again, MNS urges the government to develop a comprehensive integrated river basin management plan where the rivers, natural wetlands and catchment forests are accorded appropriate protection and management to reduce flooding.  The public too must respect the role of the river systems in providing environmental services and stop treating it like a drain and rubbish dump.
Dato' Dr. Salleh Mohd Nor 

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Created on 5th Jul 2000