Sep 2001 Newsletter

The Milky Stork Breeding and Re-introduction Project at Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP) was established in 1998 under an MOU between Zoo Negara and MNS. This 10-year project, through which Zoo Negara provided 10 sub-adult Milky Storks (Mycteria cinerea) was intended to form the nucleus of a captive breeding and release exercise to ensure the long term survival of the species, now alarmingly reduced to only a few hundred individuals in the wild. Initial funding was provided by Jabatan Lanskap Negara, Tabung Amanah Land & General Bhd.

As of July 2000, all the birds have reached adult status and some have recently been observed displaying pair-bonding behaviour. However, although July-August is reported to be the breeding season, no breeding is expected until pair-bonding is firmly established. Based upon recent observations, out ornithological officers recommend that MNS-KSNP re-establish partnership ties with Zoo Negara in order to train present park staff to manage the storks. They also suggested that predators which threaten and harass the birds be monitored and removed.

As the above goals require funding which is now rapidly dwindling because sponsors have either stopped or reduced their donations. To ensure that the goals are achieved, it is imperative that we raise funds in whatever way we can. With this in mind, Bird Group of Selangor Branch and the MNS secretariat will jointly organise a Mini Bird Race at KSNP on 20-21 Oct 2001. The race will commence at 1400hr on Sat 20 at KSNP and end at 1200 the following day. Since fundraising is one of the main objectives of this Mini Bird Race, the organisers have fixed the registration at RM60-00 per team of three (3) persons with a free T-shirt per participant. All fees collected will be donated to the Milky Stork feeding fund and donations will be gratefully accepted. The Bird Group will donate some money to buy modest prizes as awards for the winning teams. Members should make their own reservations for accommodation at KSNP.

October is the "World Bird Watch Month". During this period, for each specie of bird sighted throughout the world, Nippon Telephone & Telegraph will donate US$10-00 to Birdlife International for its bird conservation project. Therefore a list of all the birds sighted by members during the Mini Bird Race will be submitted to Birdlife International as Malaysia’s contribution in the World Bird Watch event. We hope that as many people as possible will sign up for the Mini Bird Race this coming October. By taking part in the race, you are not just helping to feed the Milky Storks at KSNP but also helping to raise funds for bird conservation in critical areas of the world.

Besides actual bird spotting activity, the Mini Bird Race will also promote KSNP as a nature reserve and at the same time provide an opportunity for socialising and interaction among members. Our ever obliging Rose of the MNS secretariat has volunteered to be on hand to register new members on the spot. So, please encourage your friends to take part in this worthwhile event. More details of the race will be published nearer the race date.

Meanwhile, we appeal for volunteers to help in the preparation. If you wish to register as a volunteer please contact:-

     Lim Aun Tiah 03-22744804 or 012-3959915
     Carol or VJ 03-22879422
     Puan Latifah 03-2544488

- Mini Bird Race Organising Committee

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Created on 10 Sep 2001