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Caving in Gunong Rapat Hill (22 March 1998)

Cave Group Co-ordinator Chang Kok Kai led a group of 35 participants to visit a small but interesting cave in the Gunong Rapat area. The access is quite easy once the narrow entrance is negotiated. The cave is a single chamber 8 to 10 feet high, 10 - 15 feet broad and about 75 yards long . It has a lot of beautiful formations which can be viewed very closely. Cave fauna is scanty - a few small insectivorous bats, one white spider and a domestic cockroach, probably explained by the absence of guano in this cave. There are several decayed skeletons of small mammals on the cave floor. Some graffiti are seen on the walls but even more saddening is that some stalactites have been lobbed off and holes were left in the ground where there should be stalagmites.
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Created on 19th Dec 1998. Last modified on