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Branch AGM & Buffet Dinner (Saturday 25 July 1998)

This year's AGM was again held at the Ipoh Swimming Club which is indeed an ideal place for the event. The meeting had a late start but was able to keep to the agenda starting with the approval of the minutes of the last AGM followed by the various reports. The election of office bearers saw the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and most of the previous committee members re-elected while some declined nomination. However, they have promised that they will help in certain activities from time to time.

Three new faces in the new committee, Ms. Lim Phaik Imm, Alexandra Kuan and Liew Chin Chow, should add a new surge of energy to the branch. Alex, a lawyer, has served as the secretary of the Johore Branch and the Branch Liaison Committee. Liew who had previously served in the earlier committees has returned to help energise the society in times like these. Phaik Imm, a bank officer, will certainly be a great help in advising the committee on fund-raising. The SIG co-ordinators have kindly consented to lead and bring the branch to greater heights. All these developments certainly augur well for the branch.

After the AGM the members had a lovely buffet dinner and friendship and fellowship rekindled with sweet memories. Members caught upon the Chairman's pledge to donate to the Building Fund and the hat (book) was passed around. It netted RM1780.00 in cash and RM1010.00 in pledges.

Cheang Kum Seng ended the evening with a splendid display of his photographic skills. He wowed the audience with his talk and slide-show on "The Birds of Malim Nawar". It will certainly convince any nature enthusiast or tourism authority that the place must be preserved and turned into a nature park for all to enjoy. With a good manuscript the slides can certainly fill a coffee book.

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