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Nature Walk Along Fish Pond Trail, Simpang Pulai (Sunday, 4 Oct. 1998)

It was easy going all the way except for a short stretch of steep incline. About 15 members and two families came along for this nature walk along an old logging track. Walking between fish ponds on one side and secondary forest on the other the group climbed a few inclines and crossed a short stretch of concrete road laid across a stream! After a short walk the group reached their destination which is a scenic river spot where the participants could really frolick in the cool mountain stream as promised. Members could enjoy family picnic in a tranquil atmosphere as the water was clear and the river was wide and deep enough in some parts for a swim. The rocks beside the river were clean and devoid of rubbish and graffiti as is the case in many picnic spots. The birds spotted were few as the noise of the group must have scared them. A juvenile tailorbird came close while a pair of whiskered treeswift were seen returning repeatedly to a tall dry tree. Ooi came at about 10.00 am and reported seeing a group of about 5-6 Chestnut-bellied Malkohas. The chairman and Henry followed him in his 4WD up the track to the Multi-level Forest Management project and witnessed a bird wave (blue-winged leafbirds and scarlet minivets) and a pair of black eagles. A green Iora which was a lifer for the chairman was also spotted. The end of the track was the signal to turn back but birdlife was still apparent. The elevation noted was 400m. MNS had camped here before and maybe it would be good idea for a return trip in January or February 1999. The main group had left to explore areas higher up the Pos Slim Road when Ooi drove back to the parking site at 12.30 pm.
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Created on 19th Dec 1998. Last modified on