2. New Members
We welcome the following who applied to join as new members either
directly to HQ or through the Perak Branch. If anyone is left out of this
list please write in to inform the Chairman.
1. Loke Choong Ming
2. Chan Weng Foong
3. Rafidah Bte Mohammed Zaman
4. Agnes Chew
3. Branch AGM and National AGM
The branch AGM will be held on Saturday 17 July 1999 while the National
AGM will be held on 28-30 August 1999. Please keep these dates free as
your participation is most welcomed. Rose Abdullah or other HQ officers
will be here to advise on the preparations on the National AGM.
The Perak Branch’s Annual General Meeting
will start at 5.00 pm. at the Neptune Room, Ipoh Swimming Club. After the
AGM there will be buffet dinner with a talk/slide show by the Selangor
Branch on the Highland Resort Road. Cheang Kum Seng will also show his
slides of the Belum forest. The dinner is priced at RM15.00 (adult) and
RM13.00 for children 10 years and below.
Please confirm your attendance by payment
personally to Mr. Leow Kon Fah at the Tun Razak Library (Tel. 2558073 -
Office or 5482694 - home after 10.30 pm) or any committee member (Helen
Cheah is at MAPA while Lim Phaik Imm’s office is at OCBC Main Branch).
You can also book through the telephone or e-mail and then send your cheque/Postal
Order to the branch's address, not later than 1 July 1999 to avoid the
occurrence of members turning up at the last minute. This will ensure that
there is enough food for everyone who paid early.