Trekking to Sg. Salu (Sahom), Sg. Siput South (Thursday 16 March
2000 Hari Raya Haji)
Time & Meeting Place: 10 am Sam Poh Tong Pomelo Stalls
Leader: Ong Boo Kuan
This will be a simple trekking trip to cool off at a the
Sahom area as it is the hot season. The lowest fall is beside the road
so it is suitable for children (close supervision by parents is necessary).
The more energetic can hike up to the higher falls. Caution slippery
rocks!! Bring along packed lunch, drinking water and wear suitable attire
and shoes.
In Search of the Gopeng Fireflies (Saturday 25 March)
Time & Meeting Place: 5.00 pm Sam Poh Tong Pomelo Stalls
Leader: Ng Chang Chai (5477744-O)
Participants will be taking a gradual climb along an old quarry track
up a limestone hill for a panoramic view of the surround-ing landscape
and vegetation. This is an exercise cum nature appreciation trip. Please
bring along the necessary equipment and materials if you want to enjoy
a cuppa at the vantage point while watching the beautiful sunset. The participants
shall explore a certain location, after descending from the limestone hill,
for the presence of fireflies which the leader had chanced upon on previous
visits to the site at nightfall. Kindly arrange your own transport or car-pool
and confirm your participation with the trip leader. Suggested payment
to drivers is minimum RM2.00
In Search of Rafflesia (Thursday 6 April 2000)
Time & Place: Confirm with Trip Leader Liew Chin
Chow (5360159 - H; H/p: 012-5180159)
The world’s largest flower, Rafflesia can be found not far from Ipoh
in Gopeng. IUCN will fund research on this flower but you have to see it
in the wild in order to appreciate it. Join Liew on this leisurely trek
and if you are lucky you might see it in bloom. Wear suitable clothes and
trekking shoes and bring along sufficient water and packed food.
Birding at Burmese Pool, Taiping (Thursday 6 April 2000 Awal
Time & Meeting Place: 7.00 am at Ooi’s house or at Ipoh
Garden Plaza
Leader: Ooi Beng Yean
This will be a day trip birding in a lowland forest along a river and
among orchards, with an abundance of mosquitoes (not sure about leeches).
Bring along mosquito repellents (wipe-on body type is more suitable), long
sleeve shirts and long pants, hat, drinking water and snacks, and of course
birding equipment. Contact Trip leader, Ooi B.Y. before trip to confirm.
Birding Trip (Wednesday 19 April 2000 - Perak Sultan’s Birthday)
Time & Meeting Place: To be confirned
Leader: Ooi Beng Yean
Please check with Ooi B.Y. or home page if any trip is planned for
that date (about a week before the date).
Earth Day Clean-up (22 April 2000).
No place in particular yet. Planning a beach cleanup in P. Lalang if
authorities give support and weather/sea is permissible. (See Announcements)
Gunung Bubu (29 April - 1st May 2000)
Time & Meeting Place: 3.00 pm, Saturday at IGB Plaza
Leader: Ong Boo Kuan (Moon)
This will be a 2½ day climb to ensure reaching the peak in good
time. The hike will start from Ulu Kenas at about 4.00 pm and set camp
just before dark. The next day will be a hike to the peak and exploration
of the peak if time permits, camping at the peak on Sunday night (water
will have to be carried up) and returning to your cars on Monday evening.
Call early to confirm (1 week before hike). The route may be changed to
Trong if we can find a shorter way to the peak. Contact persons: Moon (5488142
after 8.00 pm) or Mah King Wah (5484314 after 9.00 pm)
Boh Tea FSC, Cameron H’lands or Kuala Langat, Selangor (29 April
- 1 May 2000)
Time & Meeting Place: To be confirned
Leader: Ooi Beng Yean
This is 3-day mainly birding trip (Monday being labour Day) to Boh
Tea Field Centre, Cameron Highlands or Kuala Langat, Selangor if we can
get Selangor Branch bird coordinator , Lim A.T. to lead us. Confirm
with trip leader, Ooi B.Y. a week before the date.
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Created on 29 Feb 2000