Acknowledgements (Insect pictures)

The webmaster would like to thank Mr Michael K.P. Yeh who provided these photographs of insects which he had accumulated over the years. Some of  these are rare shots. His special interest is to look for and study these creatures, some of which are really beautiful. If you have the same interests or have queries about the images in this section, post them in our guestbook and we shall forward your queries to him.

The photographs were scanned by Mr Cheaw Hon Ming. Captions were supplied by Michael. 

Click on the titles to view the images :

 Deroplatys Lobata (Praying Mantis Female Pairs)
 Deroplatys Lobata (Praying Mantis Single Female)
 Deroplatys Truncata (Praying Mantis Carnivorous Female)
 Heteropteryx Dilatata (Female Stick Insect)
 Hymenopus Coronatus (Flower Mantids or Orchid Mantids Adult)
 Hymenopus Coronatus (Flower Mantids or Orchid Mantids Juveniles)
 Leopa Megacore (Female Silk Moth)
 Papilionidae Trogonoptera brookiana albescens
 Paratoxodera Cornicollis (Stick-Mantids)
 Phylium Bioculatum (Moving Leaf Insect Female Pair)
 Phyllium Bioculatum (Moving Leaf Insect)

15th April 1999 additions :

 Arachnida: Giant Scorpion
 Nymphalidae: The Malay Lacewing
 Mantodae: Dead Leaf Mantids
 Mantodae: Dead Leaf Mantids (Another view)