Distoloceras pavlovi, from bed D1.
Endemoceras regale from the C beds.
small pyritised ammonites from the lower C beds
Nautilus and ammonites
Part of a large ammonite
- The "Speeton shrimp" - Meyeria ornata from the C Beds
Icthyosaur verterbra
A large gastropod from the B Beds
Serpulids - Rotularia phillipsii
The Belemnites
of the Speeton Clay
trace fossil
Several of these "teeth" were found together - Jack Doyle suggests they are "ventro-lateral spines from the large ammonite, Endemoceras sp, The nacreous lustre is, I believe, the give-away. Such large specimens tend to come from DI or CII. At the base of the spine, you may find a characteristic concavity, representing a line of weakness at which the spines break away from the main shell. "