Pollen diagrams.
A major tool for dating more recent sediments if the study of the assemblage of pollen grains. Pollen grains are amazingly common and almost indestructible. The preparation of samples involves the use of hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid and other dangerous chemicals, followed by the use of a high powered microscope - so it is really out of the reach of the amateur. Charts are often produced showing the percentage of tree and non-tree pollen in samples of differing depth (and therefore age). These usually give the Latin name of the plants - here is a list of them with their English names.
Abies - fir
Acer - maple
Alnus - alder
Betula - birch
Corylus - hazel
Cyperaceae - sedges
Fagus - beach
Fraxinus - ash
Juniperus - juniper
Picea - spruce
Pinus - pine
Poaceae - grasses
Quercus - oak
Salix - willow
Tilia - lime
Ulnus - elm