Friends of the Speeton Clay

If you would like to display items on the notice-board E-mail Mike.

last updated 10th August 2003.

There have been some large landslips at the far end of Middle Cliff recently.

Distoloceras pavlovi, from bed D1, found by John Pratt in 2000.

Martin Simpson is writing a monograph about Lower Cretaceous lobsters - "The request I have is that there may be collectors out there who have Speeton lobsters etc. Even if they are the common Meyeria ornata I would be interested to see them all. Some species are known from very few examples and good stratigraphic data is a bonus."

It has been suggested that there should be a registry of Speeton Clay collectors/collections/important finds. Please let me know what you think.

Can you help identify these fossils -

large Crioceratid ammonite found near Red Hole.

large "shrimp" or small lobster found by BILL COOPER

Several of these "teeth" were found together - Jack Doyle suggests they are "ventro-lateral spines from the large ammonite, Endemoceras sp, The nacreous lustre is, I believe, the give-away. Such large specimens tend to come from DI., or CII. At the base of the spine, you may find a characteristic concavity, representing a line of weakness at which the spines break away from the main shell. "

Ulrich Wieneke  collects fossil gastropods of the family Aporrhaidae (and has a very good homepage) and wonders if anyone would like to swap specimens - he is particurly interested in Tessarolax from the Speeton Clay.

Robin Knight is searching for specimens of  Inoceramus venustulus from the Speeton Clay (Bed C9). The fossils is also known as Aucella keyserlingi. Please contact Robin if you can help or have some information about the fossil.

Charlie Underwood writes :- what I really want to know is: Is there anyone out there who has or knows about Speeton Clay fish remains ? Especially if they are different to, or from different levels to, ones in the publications. Globally, there is almost nothing known of Berriasian to Berremian sharks (about 5 papers I know of!), so anything would be useful, as this is a period of intense evolution. Also, there is a complete gap in the knowledge of chimaeroids during this time period.

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