Biolumanetics Page 5
Example 3
Adding content and context in problem solving
The subject was 12 years old at the time of his first visit, which was just before he returned to school in September. According to the boys mother he had fears of the dark and required a night light on or he could not sleep. This was causing a discord between the boy and his father. He was also in a special education class because of a learning disability.
Comparing the two Bioliminal Image Photographs an increase in clarity is seen when the mother is within range of the subjects bio-energetic field.
We tested the boy for a solution that would replace some of the energetic materials he was receiving from his mother and found he was deficient in a trace mineral. He was given a trace mineral and instructed to return with his mother in one month.
Second Visit Base Images
Base picture of boy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Picture of boy holding Ritlan medication
The subjects base Bioliminal Image Photograph was indicating that he was becoming stronger energetically. It was suggested that his medication might be challenging his system. It was suggested that the mother talk to their health provider about weaning him off this medication for a short period.
The mother seemed skeptical so a second Bioliminal Image Photograph was taken. Without the boy holding his medication.
We recommended that the boy continue taking the trace mineral and that mother and son return in one month for another Bioliminal Image Photograph to determine if change was still occurring. No other recommendation was made.
Third visit base Bioliminal Image Photograph
The change and demeanor of the boy was remarkable. He was making rapid improvement in his schoolwork and there was some discussion about his being placed in a regular classroom if he continued to show progress in his reading ability.
The mother said he no longer required a night-light to sleep. This has resulted in improved relations between he and his father.
Reluctantly, the mother who is a nurse admitted that she weaned her son off of his medication. She did not ask the advice of her health provider.
She said seeing the changes in the photographs from the second visit gave her the incentive to test withdrawing her sons medication.
Questioning her further she admitted that part of the incentive to wean him from the medication was her "seeing herself fracture when the boy was holding his medication."