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of Feneos

Various photos
from Feneos

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Villages of Feneos

General View of Goura village View to Feneos from Goura The church of the cemetery in Goura Rocks on the hill over Goura

Another view of Goura. Ice creations!… The village Mosia Messino village in a winter's day

Entering the village
of Sivista



Various photos from Feneos

Durduvana peak, 2109 m. high The south side of the valley Panoramic view, a clear spring's day Morning frost
Rough road Sunset behind the «Hunter's pass» Durduvana, snow covered The villages Pano-rama and Kalyvia

Reflections in a rain pool A winter torrent A creation of the winter rains Rain drops on bare branches

Snow covered forest The monastery of St. George The new lake (artificial, 1998) Another winter torrent

Skafidia* and the peak of Ziria (2376 m.) The peaks of Ziria, snow covered The old monastery of Virgin Mary The old monastery of Virgin Mary

* Skafidia is a little plateau above Goura, about 1200 m. elevation



Peloponnisos is a large geographical area in Greece, with high mountains. The highest mountains of this area are: Ziria (Kyllini) 2376m, Helmos (Aroania) 2341m, Erymanthos 2224m, Mainalon 1980m and Taygetos 2407m. Between Ziria and Helmos, at the altitude of about 650m there is long, majestic valley, called Feneos. It belongs to the prefecture of Corinthia. Many villages lay around this valley: Mosia, Mati, Messino, Goura (the main village), Steno, Sivista, Kalyvia and Panorama. The distance between Feneos and Kiato (city of Corinthia) is about 70 km

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