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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / Special Editions

User ID: 1822634
May 31st 1:34 PM
Anyone know anymore on the special editions from Meisha Merlin...I have purchased a letter copy and am really eager to see or hear more. Anyone know if Jeffrey Jones has finished anymore sketches or color art for the edition? All I have is the cover (?) picture for aGoT from the Meisha Merlin site.
User ID: 0867924
May 31st 1:37 PM
There's an image of a knight which is probably one of the color plates at Jones's site:

I've been keeping an eye on the Works in Progress section to see if there's been any additions, but there's nothing obvious so far. Unfortunately, Jones doesn't provide a recent updates page to make looking for new things easier.
User ID: 1822634
May 31st 2:05 PM
No offense to GRRM or JJ, I am not big on abstract fantasy art. I love Whelan and Brom and a lot of other artists - fantasy art to me is as good as books sometimes, being able to convey so much wonder and excitement in one image. There are so many amazing, dramatic and epic scenes in these books and I would love to see them get the same attention as every scene from Lord of the Rings, etc.

I hope each of JJ sketches are not quite too abstract for each chapter. I just can't wait for the first "specific" artist to paint scenes from these books - and see how they see them.
User ID: 3612744
May 31st 7:16 PM
I visited the special additon Meisha Merlin page but didn't stop to study the entire site.

I just wanted to say that the American paperback cover of A Game of Thrones is very, very good in my opinion. I have not seen the British cover or heard any arguments, but as a person had didn't like fantasy much when the novel came out but who saw the book on store shelves, I have to say it was one of the most compelling pieces of cover art that I have seen on a fantasy novel. It is high quality, I like the style, it doesn't scream "Fantasy," it is just very good and very down to earth.

In fact, if it didn't say "Fantasy Novel of the Year" on the front cover, a reader would have no idea, from looking at the cover, that it was a fantasy series rather than a historical ficton piece, or even some sort of borderline sci-fi. Heck, it could even be a modern adventure or mystery. Europe still has many castles and also some heavily wooded and low tech areas.

My point is that for a non fantasy fan, which is most book buyers, the cover is very good. Compare it to the covers of the Wheel of Time books and it is brilliant. ;)
User ID: 1822634
Jun 1st 9:35 AM
Good point...I actually do like the paperback version...very good quality art!
User ID: 0276214
Jun 1st 8:08 PM
If my eye had not been drawn to that cover, I would not be here today. I never would have picked it up. Very good cover. I did not read RJ and his comment would not have sold me. Honestly it was for the cover, the comments and reading the prologue in the store, I would not have bought it.
User ID: 1822634
Jun 2nd 7:46 AM
Which cover LindaElane? The paperback or hardback?