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A Song of Ice and Fire / Announcements / Something New on Revanshe's Old Site

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User ID: 0276214
Jul 15th 8:57 PM
Hello! Relic, Ser Benjen and have ventured into the unknown by taking on Revanshe's old A Song of Ice and Fire website. I have put a up a partial update. Please blame me for whatever is going on there for the moment as my esteemed collegues are out of town, and the changes are only in the experimental phase. Before they left, they said they did not mind my updating the surveys. Also, I am sure they won't mind the fact that I have added a link to GRRM's new interview, and a link to my review of ASOS. Go check it out at this URL:
User ID: 0276214
Jul 16th 11:22 AM
By the way, imho, my review is not spoilerific. It is being discussed on the new ASOS board which contains spoilers however, which is fine with me since thats where all the reviews are being discussed. I only say the types of thing in the review that that I have been saying on this board. Things like "We learn more about the War of the Usurper" and "One character seems to change for the good" which have already been mentioned. Plus a few new things, but they are along those lines.
User ID: 8736803
Jul 19th 3:21 AM
just read the review, many compliments LindaElane on a review well done. I am now more eager than ever to put my paws on it, Goddamnit can't wait, its like I am 13 years old again and reading the LOTR for the first time, but have to wait a year between the Fellowship of the Ring and the Two Towers (Books 1 and 2 IIRC)

User ID: 9328513
Jul 19th 3:35 AM
Heres something cool to look at :
User ID: 9328513
Jul 19th 3:41 AM
Min can you translate for me?

Death is better than slavery! =P
User ID: 0178794
Jul 19th 3:50 AM
The Throne of the Seven Kingdom's, no?
User ID: 9809413
Jul 19th 5:00 AM
jaeger is right,

but the cover is from the german series, which splits all of GRRM`s Books, so No. 3 in Germany is the first part of ACOK.
User ID: 9809413
Jul 19th 5:00 AM
I find the german covers embarassing.
User ID: 2240694
Jul 19th 7:59 AM
My advice to anyone waiting for ASOS and wishes to remain sane. DON'T read Linda's review.

If, like me, you are a mere mortal who looks upon those words, you will be filled with an even greater lust for this holy grail of books. You will pace restlessly and be consumed with it. You will curse Linda, saying she must be a disciple of GRRM himself to produce such irritating eloquent words that fill you and yet leave you unsustained, grasping for more.

Linda, I salute you for writing something which I suspect reviews ASOS's soul perfectly, while not giving us any actual details. Its cruel of you, yet nice. :)
User ID: 0798784
Jul 19th 8:30 AM
I am not trying to be an ass here - but on that site, the ads that open up are excruciatingly annoying - is there anyway to take them off...banners are ok, but new windows that pop up are a real pain. Thanks.
User ID: 0798784
Jul 19th 8:32 AM
If those ads come up because it is a free url, then let's collect $70.00 for a real url for the site - shouldn't be too hard I don't think.
User ID: 9308123
Jul 19th 1:37 PM
Lodegarl, we've had discussions on that very subject and we are thinking of moving the site to a server that doesnt require us to have those pop up ads.
User ID: 1564944
Jul 19th 1:44 PM
Its a very old-fashioned cover. Poor old Stannis. He doesn't really have blond hair does he? I though he was a woman for a second.
User ID: 0798784
Jul 19th 2:03 PM
Cool relic - sounds guys should go for the gusto considering all of your lofty ideas - get a cool url and maybe even pitch in for ubb...I am sure some of us loyal fans wouldn't mind sending you guys $5 - $10 for a contribution.
User ID: 9405543
Jul 19th 3:38 PM
Damn you woman!! LindaElane's review is more of an anti-spoiler than a spoiler. It doesn't give away anything, it just drops a bunch of torturous hints.
User ID: 2449714
Jul 19th 6:18 PM
I'm with Lodengarl.
User ID: 9308123
Jul 19th 7:12 PM
I have a lead on a good server service we can use. Im looking into it and ill let everyone know. Thanks for the offer of help guys, its appreciated and we might even take you up on it =).
User ID: 0074284
Jul 20th 5:26 PM
I read this a bit late, so my comment on the German covers is delayed, too. I already sent these covers around once via email. Never saw anything so crappy in my whole life.

You know, fantasy in Germany is still regarded as low literature. They have not realized yet that there are writers who write fantasy _literature_, and that these writers have intelligent readers. Darn it. They divide all the ASoIaF books in two, so there will be twelve in the end... just because they seem to think we cannot read more than 500 pages in one book. It is a shame. Oh well. I read them in English anyway, to prevent getting really angry. As a logical result, I can assure you that the translations are as bad as the covers... almost.
User ID: 0798784
Jul 20th 6:00 PM
OTOH, Min, the German translation of LOTR which I made my younger brother read (he isn't fluent in English) wasn't brilliant either. Fantasy and SF are pretty underrated and despised in the German-speaking countries, that is true. And therefore awfully (likely=cheaply) translated.
Although IMHO German translations are generally not that stellar IMHO, even when we are speaking about anknowledged foreign classics.

One idiosincrasy I noticed in the German SF/Fantasy translations is that "years" as in "x years old" are very often called "Lenze". It puts my teeth on edge particulary since I don't understand the reason for it.
User ID: 0074284
Jul 20th 7:41 PM
Well, it's just an old fashioned word. Perhaps the (indeed cheap) translaters think old fashioned words give and medieval atmosphere... :-) sad, but true. An editor once told me that someone who translate "real" literature gets three to four times more salary than someone who translates SF or Fantasy... oooh well.
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