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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Potpourri VII

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evil Maester Ching
User ID: 9070813
Aug 10th 2:37 PM
Well this is seventh, Got anything to say???

Hello there all, I am back!!

*on the side note*
Well I have been traveling in south, and I was summoned by my commander to do duty in air force.
Me and my Best Friend/cadet (you know who my best friend is) went down in Keesler AFB in mississippi to do my TD and just came back. While Flayed Man went to Texas to do more of his duty there. Hey IN south they got the best GUMBO (especially in Cajon area). And you all should go down there and try some!

But Now I am back to do my duty as Maester of mountain dred, where recently we raided Castle Black and put every one at the sword and put rest as my "guenia pig" for my research, and poor traitor who now lost his wits and dillusionally crazy! Well can anyone tie him up and send him to my lab??

million gold dragons for any one who bring him alive so that I may use him as my guinea pig to finsish my research (he esacaped while my research of Necromancy was on process!

*well it is nice to meet you all* :-)
Maester Ching
User ID: 9070813
Aug 10th 3:04 PM
Oh I forgot to mention that Dirji who was my guniea pig was so idiotically attacked wrong area!
Well here is the truth!

Please disregard what ever Dirji was blabering about.

Truth of battle of mountain dred:

Dirji did try to atttack mountain dred, but all of his men were slain at "forest of Deceiving" by booby traps, then the traitor try to run away, then My youngest lord Homuras caught him and cut off Dirji's head. Then I as a Necromancer Sew his head back and brought him back to life as necromancy but, before his living tissues are fully restored, he ran out of my lab like a frigthened puppy. Then my lord led victory at Castle black (where rest of Dirji's men were posted) whose every men were put to sword and flayed. But when that traitor escaped my lab his symptom of "decay" will begin, where dogs and direwolfes will smell the decayance and will try to chew him...

Also then after victory over castle black, My lord went down to south and flayed Mace tyrell, Ser Galan, and WIllas, and rest of his uncles exception of Loras and Marge,

Then Now we came back to Mountain dred to do our daily stuff, Then we sent out warrent to find Dirji who now will only be arrogance left of his dead body who I heard proclaimed emperor, Well my lord and Lord Homuras is still busy fighting the night walkers in North and My lord will sail to pyke to kill Greyjoys.

Hmm also truth about Ramsey *he he he* Well originally when Lord Bolton had Ramsey, Ramsey did not wanted to be called "snow" so at age of 10. SO he abandoned his mother and came to mountain dred. thus by my lord's approval he was decalred "Ramsey Bolton" (that explains why he hated to be called snow and starved his wife) During the war He met my lord and fought, but Ramsey lost (in a matter of fact he is my lord's ward) and promised to loyal to starks and finished joined my lord. Now Ramsey is charge of arresting dirji (sort of like S.S in Westeros) and bring him back to my lab so I may finish my research on him.

Well my Lords and Ladies I am afraid that he may blaber about stuff (he still thinks that he won that battle) but soon, I am afraid that he will feel like "zombie" and will begin to crave all of your flesh So please hand him over to Ramsey.

Well my lady It will be next month where he will come back and will dance with you if you still prefer. Oh how do you like Valrian Cross bow? (uh you tied with Jeff on duel and price was given to both of you. Jeff has spear).

Ser Whose side are you on? Are you against my lord and our people? please give me your answer (IMportant!!).

Well see you all later!
User ID: 9544623
Aug 10th 3:37 PM
And that answers that question, does it not?
User ID: 0094674
Aug 10th 10:17 PM
Um Chiang, I'm not sure if you read any of the other posts, but we're not supposed to add anymore topics to the "Clash of Kings" section. If you are to create topics, they are to go in the "Clash of Kings II" section, as each new topic added here, causes one to disappear.

User ID: 0094674
Aug 10th 10:26 PM
Whoops, my bad. It's the COK section that's full. This one was fine to add to. Damn. I miscalculated and woke the dragon.

User ID: 1564944
Aug 11th 6:35 AM
Whenever Dany woke the dragon she got her nipples pinched. But we'll let you off this once.
User ID: 9209903
Aug 11th 8:50 AM
Maester Ching;

I'm not in general on anyone's side - that implies submission. If you want to know if I'm _sympathetic_ to your cause (whatever that is), well, first I'll have to know if your lords have spent the shipments I sent to Mountain Dred wisely. (after all, I cannot blithely give support to lords who are a laughingstock to the whole realm)

I'm quite sure that the rumors spread about your people and their lord has eaten the soap you bought, instead of using it to wash themselves, are just evil slander produced by Dirjj's henchmen.

However, the tales being told about Mountain Dred men-at-arms slaughtering each other down in fear, because eating the soap makes their mouth foam, and they consequently look like rabid dogs; well, these tales are told so vividly that I've been wondering if it isn't a grain of truth in them.

So if you would reassure me on this one...
Maester Ching
User ID: 7204563
Aug 12th 2:36 PM
Yes well my lord KAH:

So dirji's zombie's hench men is spreading the rumor about it hmm..

Okay ser here is truth.
First here is more information about our people
We are second youngest house besides baratheons. Um as term you are saying make sound like we are Dorthraki like our distant cousin (drogo). But no with influence by Boltons (our lord's ancestor married Bolton's sister when he decalared independent ruler) our ancestor and their warrior and people became civilized or should I say "Westeroized" On the shipment of soaps we are using it well to wash horse and hounds (though they hate it) and Oh we add them as a booby traps (slippery in rocky area) and Dirji's troop half of them were slain by your soaps (slipping down and crash their skulls) and yes people takes bath every single day (unlike other westeros like dirji and some others washes only about a month).

Hmm it is true that when our soldiers fight they fight with ferocity (they crave blood or should I say "fightaholic") and Ser They are FEARLESS They would rather fight humans than fighting dragons and Krakens (oh they will fight if necessary) Oh on the training system our soldiers train with real weapon (oftenly causes injuries which made them Strong and blood thirsty. But sometimes fatality occurs) and that part well... we are like old selves (Where Dorthraki train with real weapon. Though we have half Westeros/dorhraki). That also explains why Ramsey is so damn strong.

Little problem is that our young soldiers, when they see any females in village or castle which we destroyed, they oftenly "Play" with the girls (NO they leave noble ladies alone) and causes our lord a headache. But don't worry about it cause soldiers take them as "flayed wives" and marry off them in homes (and Oh they are quite faitful and devoted to their spouse). Hmm I wonder if my lord's younger flayed man's guard control themselves...They are Noble born/ half of them. and they mess around with noble ladies. Poor Redwines and Rowans...The younger flayed man's guard carried the daughters or relatives to mountain dred and forcing them to well... I don't want to get there... But older guys they behave.

And oh I sense that Dirji's head is falling off (Damn I told youngest master not to chop off dirji's head...) NOw I must find traitor and sew his head back together. UM did he begin to chew your flesh ser. If so please come to mountain dred for cure, otherwise you will become zombie also.... (you don't want to endup like you nephew right??)

Well I hope this answeres your question..

HMM Now I must take bath.
Maester Ching
User ID: 7204563
Aug 12th 2:36 PM
Yes well my lord KAH:

So dirji's zombie's hench men is spreading the rumor about it hmm..

Okay ser here is truth.
First here is more information about our people
We are second youngest house besides baratheons. Um as term you are saying make sound like we are Dorthraki like our distant cousin (drogo). But no with influence by Boltons (our lord's ancestor married Bolton's sister when he decalared independent ruler) our ancestor and their warrior and people became civilized or should I say "Westeroized" On the shipment of soaps we are using it well to wash horse and hounds (though they hate it) and Oh we add them as a booby traps (slippery in rocky area) and Dirji's troop half of them were slain by your soaps (slipping down and crash their skulls) and yes people takes bath every single day (unlike other westeros like dirji and some others washes only about a month).

Hmm it is true that when our soldiers fight they fight with ferocity (they crave blood or should I say "fightaholic") and Ser They are FEARLESS They would rather fight humans than fighting dragons and Krakens (oh they will fight if necessary) Oh on the training system our soldiers train with real weapon (oftenly causes injuries which made them Strong and blood thirsty. But sometimes fatality occurs) and that part well... we are like old selves (Where Dorthraki train with real weapon. Though we have half Westeros/dorhraki). That also explains why Ramsey is so damn strong.

Little problem is that our young soldiers, when they see any females in village or castle which we destroyed, they oftenly "Play" with the girls (NO they leave noble ladies alone) and causes our lord a headache. But don't worry about it cause soldiers take them as "flayed wives" and marry off them in homes (and Oh they are quite faitful and devoted to their spouse). Hmm I wonder if my lord's younger flayed man's guard control themselves...They are Noble born/ half of them. and they mess around with noble ladies. Poor Redwines and Rowans...The younger flayed man's guard carried the daughters or relatives to mountain dred and forcing them to well... I don't want to get there... But older guys they behave.

And oh I sense that Dirji's head is falling off (Damn I told youngest master not to chop off dirji's head...) NOw I must find traitor and sew his head back together. UM did he begin to chew your flesh ser. If so please come to mountain dred for cure, otherwise you will become zombie also.... (you don't want to endup like you nephew right??)

Well I hope this answeres your question..

HMM Now I must take bath.
Maester Ching
User ID: 9070813
Aug 13th 2:42 PM
OOPS I had post the same message twice. Damn mouse it is busted!
Maester Breitorr
User ID: 9892733
Aug 13th 2:52 PM
Hmmm, I begin to wonder if the forces of Emperor Dirjj and the forces of Dred are even on the same plane of existance. It sounds as if the Dredfolk may be several thousand years in the past, as the language used is different from modern Westerosi. It appears the language used by the Dredfolk if an older more primative version of ours. It would be similare to cavemen trying to carry on a conversation with a medieval knight. I suppose if you try hard enough, you can understand it, but most of it comes out as drivel.

Oh well, back to my studies at the Kings Landing University. What a marvelous institute our beloved lord has erected for us. Yes, the Pax Dirjj is a great time to live, to study, to learn. Ahh, it's a renaissance. What a glorious time we live in.

User ID: 9433023
Aug 13th 4:25 PM
What an inlation of strange Maesters...
Maester Ching
User ID: 2866974
Aug 16th 3:59 PM
Hmm... Maester Breitorr??? Have we ever met in KL university of Maesters??? Hmm I don't recon. thing was true that I was the senior of all fellow Maester to be. Heck I even became a Professor for "greater Mysteries" (Maester of WF once said) or should I say "magic".

Hmm Hey perchance Breitorr, Are you the one Who got F- on that subject? (seems to me that you are only one who got worst grade.. um no offence) Hmm also I recon that there was a Maester who was being pushed around by bullies. But what the hell Luwin, Colemon, Pycelle and Wendymar were my students who try to learn "Greater mysteries" and got A++ (and got piece of VS metal on their necklace).

But what the hell I am old and I can't remember who ate what.

Also I would be greatly apprciate that you don't call me and my people "stone age"

But it is true that I am pure Dorthraki (it is tradition that all Maester/necromancer remain pure race not blood mix like my lord and others) and I have an accent of Dorthraki. In matter of fact it must have been my accent that made you get F- on magics...

But know this my lord and his people are much more civilized than any house of Westeros.. Well terms of making weapons (were we constantly spent money on to make better and effective weapons) and training armies... Also they don't have accent like I do okay? But sad thing is that our people don't like bards or any Southerners from Dorn to highgarden (there are sad history in that). Thus entertainment in Mountain dred in terms of music or anything is well.. boring. But If you like death match or daily execution (flaying) of knights from Highgarden you can find it interesting...

Oh if you are perchance from south (especially highgarden), make sure you contact and see me first before you visit mountain dred (the city name is "city of sorrows") other wise my youngest lord Homuras will kill you and flay you before asking any questions (infact he is known as "knight slayer" or "Rose Bane") But my lord won't kill you... Oh also make sure you meet Marlon Greyjoy (Maron's Bastard), so he can guide you to safe path in "forest of deceiving", otherwise you will be killed by booby traps that constantly shifts.

Also if you want you can take retest on "greater mysteries" and earn VS metal for your necklace.
User ID: 9209903
Aug 25th 9:15 AM
Dear Maester Chong; (or was it Ching? _accent_...makes me think of the Cheech and Chong movies, for some reason...)

I'm most glad to hear that the rumors produced by Dirjj was false slander.
Now, most of the people that spout this insane drivel are down in King's Landing. I would have them executed myself, but circumstances have landed me in the Free Cities for the time being, and I'm unable to take care of it now.

Of course, your lords have every right to defend their honor themselves. Unfortunately, the rumor has spread far and wide in the capital (and most seem to believe it), so I'd advise you to burn down the whole city, just to set an example. That'll teach them to flap their tongues...

You'll have to excuse me now; I'm in negotiations to take over the biggest building/construction business in Pentos...rumors claim that they can expect a big contract in Westeros any time soon...
Big Al
User ID: 0227464
Aug 25th 9:35 AM
Kay-Arne, I hereby notify you that the Pentos Local, United Guild of Artisans, Carpenters, Masons, and Affiliated Construction Trades demands that you recognize it as the collective bargaining representative for all of your building and construction programs in Pentos or the Free Cities. Since you apparently will be using Pentos companies for your projects in Westeros, our demand will extend to those as well.

As Guildmaster of the International, I can inform you that our Brothers in the various Westeros locals have responded well to our organizing campaigns and join our demand for recognition.

As the President of the Guild, I would strongly recommend that you comply with our request.

User ID: 9209903
Aug 25th 9:59 AM
Big Al, eh? Not a noble name, I presume?

Oh well, I've worked with lowly commoners before - I can dirty my hands once again. Unionists tend to have a refreshing sense of pragmatism, after all...

So...any strikes due this week?
User ID: 0227464
Aug 25th 10:55 AM
No, but our pension fund is a little low. A little contribution from you and I'm sure I can smooth things out with the fellas.

I can send Ser Luca by to collect.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Aug 25th 11:59 AM
Sorry, Jeff. I just received an old Valyrian message: Ser Luca sleeps with the fishes.
Emperor Dirjj
User ID: 9990163
Aug 25th 2:33 PM
Doh!!!! Big Al = Jeff. Blew it there. Well, KAH, it appears that my #2 man has already seen to the longevity of the Empire by taking over some of the Free Cities industry. Yes, I see it now, it's part of our Grand Master Plan to Increase the size and strength of the Empire. Peacefully of course. The Pax Dirjj will go on.

I've been informed that the Maesters at IUKL (Imperial University Kings Landing) are studying the Spacial Distortion/Rift that keeps flaming up in the area of the Dred Pit. I guess some eons back, it was some sort of Mountain or something, but got leveled during some war. Must have been nasty too, because the entire area is contaminated, and has been quaranteened. No one goes near there.

KAH, if you would be able to rid my world of this Rift, I would gladly create, and offer you the position of Emperor's Hand, with all the honors that go along with it. As my heir, I'm sure that Proconsul Jeff would go along, and the Senate (bunch of puppets) would ratify you in a hearbeat. Your weeks of previous service as King's Hand endeared you to the City.

Oh well, time for me to meet with Breitorr, Seoman, Dorian, and the rest of the Maester Grand Council to discuss the proposed Imperial improvements.

HIM (his imperial majesty)
User ID: 9209903
Aug 26th 6:01 AM
Spacial distortions? I'll take a look...

No, sorry, not my cup of water.

The consultation (lasting all of 37 seconds) will cost you 9999 golden dragons, and a copper. As our Saturday Special Price (even if it's Thursday - we're feeling philanthropical today), we'll make it 9999 golden dragons sharp.

Westerosi Express welcome!
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