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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Good Movies

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User ID: 0743024
Aug 22nd 9:03 PM
Well, since everyone here seems to really be into books, I have decided to find out what type of movie recommendations I can garner from all of you. Right now, I happen to be working at a movie theater (trying to earn a little extra for school), so naturally, I have seen a good bit of the movies that came out. So, as far as the summer films are concerned, I am pretty well informed. So without further ado, here's my list of excellent movies that may be playing in your area.
(in no particular order)

The Sixth Sense: My favorite movie of the summer. Interesting, thrilling, and creepy as hell. Plus, the kid in this movie gives one of the best performances by a child that I have ever seen. He's so good, it's eerie.
Eyes Wide Shut: I think it is a quality film, though many of my friends (and most of the country it seems) hated it. It is a good character study, dealing with a couple in New York and how they handle their feelings of guilt. A very subtle movie. There is a lot of nudity, though, and it is definitely not for everyone.
The Iron Giant: Incredible movie. Beautiful. IMHO, it is one of the best animated movies that I have seen in a long time. It is just too bad that it is not doing well at the box office.
The Blair Witch Project: I think the hype for this movie hurt it some. It is very original, and I think the actors give solid performances, but I just wasn't scared. Still, I think it is a good film, but it didn't send chills up my spine.
Episode 1: I was disappointed in the film, but I am a Star Wars nut, so I watched it 5 times. Interestingly enough, I liked it more and more with each viewing. I guess it was just the fact that it was a Star Wars movie, but I was able to get past my negative feelings toward Jar Jar, and the corny dialogue. A great soundtrack and a superb action sequence at the end also helped me overcome my disappointment.
American Pie: Raunchy fun. I couldn't stop laughing during some scenes. I don't know if it is for everyone, considering that you will never look at an apple pie the same way. I thought it was a hoot, but then again, I am a college student. Btw, Eugene Levy is priceless in this movie.

I liked some more of the summer movies, but those are my favorites. Now I have a question. Can anyone recommend some really great black and white films. I recently saw 'Touch of Evil' on AMC and it blew me away. Other B&W classics that I have managed to watch are: To Kill a Mockingbird, Casablanca, On the Waterfront, and A Streetcar Named Desire. I have also seen Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai and Rashomon (foreign films, but truly incredible and highly recommended, as are the others). Actually, I am not limiting this to black and white movies. I am anxious to hear of any suggestions.

BTW, do not, and I mean do not go see 'The Haunting'. It is terrible. I saw it for free and I felt like I wasted my time.
User ID: 9544623
Aug 23rd 8:22 AM
Mike, I have to agree with you about the Akira Kurasawa films. I've seen just about all of them and he is a master at setting the scene. "Heaven and Earth" is one of my favorites. Another black and white to definately see is the old "Cyrano De Bergerac". It's simply fantastic and if you've ever played a swashbuckler in D&D, or ever liked swashbucklers, this is the movie for you.
User ID: 0227464
Aug 23rd 5:53 PM
Kurosawa is awesome. Ran and the Seven Samurai were both fantastic, though I haven't seen Heaven and Earth. Black and white? Dr. Strangelove is very good, Twelve Angry Men is a great movie, though I'm not sure the black and white has anything to do with it.
User ID: 9252363
Aug 23rd 11:02 PM
I haven't seen Heaven and Earth either, Claidhaim. Is it a Kurosawa film? Because I believe that Oliver Stone came out with a film bearing the same name about 4 or 5 years ago. I have been trying to find Ran for about 2 months. The video stores around here do not carry it, but I keep hearing that it is a visually stunning film.

As far as Kubrick goes, I have yet to see Dr. Strangelove and A Clockwork Orange, although I have been hearing good things about them from a few of my buddies.

Well, thanks for the recommendations.
User ID: 9544623
Aug 24th 1:25 PM
Yeah, Stone made a "Heaven and Earth" film which has no resemblance whatsoever to the Kurasawa film. Kurasawa's centers around two Samurai Lords who battle each other throughout their lives. Kagetora in the province of Echigo only wants to keep his people safe, while Tominaga (I think) want's to conquer all of Japan. It's in color and subtitled. I saw it once on TNT about five years ago when they used to show a movie on a Thursday night, then show it again on Sunday. I taped it. Twice, I think. Anyway, another is something titled "Throne of Blood" which is his adaptation of "King Lear". This one is also a must see.
User ID: 0227464
Aug 24th 2:45 PM
Claidhaim, I always thought that "Ran" was sort of a King Lear story.

As your no doubt aware, both the Seven Samurai and Yojimbo were turned into westerns -- the Magnificent Seven and A Fistful of Dollars. Personally, I like both of the "Seven" movies equally (big Yul Brynner fan), but Yojimbo is better than the Clint Eastwood version.
User ID: 9544623
Aug 24th 3:21 PM
Jeff, you may be right, and I think I've confused his movies a little. They tend to get a bit mixed up in my mind, since I haven't seen one (except "Heaven and Earth" which I own) in a long time. Perhaps "Throne of Blood is the one resembling "MacBeth". I keep trying to remember who the actor in the above mentioned "Cyrano" flick is, and it's not coming to me. It was done in the 30's and the opening scene is an absolute must see.
User ID: 0283314
Aug 24th 3:53 PM
This must be the the 1950 Cyrano de Bergerac, with the wonderful Jose Ferrer in the title role, I think. The only production nearer the 30s that might have been English was a 1923 Cirano de Bergerac was was made in Italy.

Ferrer was, really, incredible. He played Cyrano on-stage for a couple hundred straight productions (if I recall correctly,) and never once flubbed the famous duel-in-rhyme where he disarms his opponentand catches the weapon as it flips through the air. He was one of the greater film swordsmen, and to boot was a tremendous actor.

As to Kurosawa, right Claid. Throne of Blood is is MacBeth, Ran is Lear (except I'm not. ;)
User ID: 9544623
Aug 25th 9:37 AM
Thank you Ran, it is the one with Jose Ferrer. Absolutely fantastic scene.
User ID: 9433023
Aug 26th 11:44 AM
Dark City. It came out last year, or the year before. I loved it, and there was nothing better since. Sci-Fi, by the way, for all those who didn't see it. With a touch of "film noir"...
User ID: 9990163
Aug 26th 2:41 PM
Hey!!!! I thought that we were talking about new movies here. Oh well, if we're just talking movies, then here are my recommentations:

1. The Usual Suspects - awesome plot
2. Wild Things - this was actually a good movie
3. The Longest Day - John Wayne is THE MAN
4. The Sword and the Sorcerer
5 . Anything with Jennifer Love Hewitt ;-)

Also, that Heaven and Earth movie, ha ha , I saw it too on TNT back then. We probably saw it at the same time. Cool movie.

User ID: 9544623
Aug 26th 3:07 PM
Well, since you seem to like "Wild Things", here's another cool movie for you: "Bound". Rent it this week-end, you won't be disapointed. War movies? Let's see......"A Bridge Too Far" is classic, so is "Patton", but I really liked "Hamburger Hill" and of course "Saving Private Ryan" is fantastic.
User ID: 0094674
Aug 26th 11:16 PM
Why would I like bound? That movie was stupid. Wild Things had a twisted plot that was cool. What, you think I'm some sort of perv and only wanted to see the Starship Troopers chick naked? Well I did, but . . .

Yeah, I liked A Bridge too Far also.

Hmm, Saving Private Ryan took all the fun out of war pictures for me. Don't like Vietnam war flicks. They're written and directed by revisionist leftists who always make the U.S. look bad, and they always make us lose, even though we really won.

User ID: 9209903
Aug 27th 5:21 AM
You won?

Could have fooled me, but I thought it was the other way around. Doesn't matter how many punches you land on the guy in the other corner, if you leave the ring before KO. :P

BTW, Saving Private Ryan was great, except from in the end. Why is it that they always have to put in such pompous-sentimental-melodramatic crap like that saluting by the grave?
It was the same with Schindler's list - when Neeson plunged into mel-o-drama over his golden party button. Totally over the top. Blech!
User ID: 9544623
Aug 27th 8:17 AM
Best comedy: Blazing Saddles
Best War Flick: A Bridge Too Far
Best Chick Flick: That's an oxymoron

Kristin Aug 27th 12:28 PM
I was recently very disappointed in The Thomas Crown Affair. It had sounded interesting, but became very boring very quickly. Also, I could have done without all those scenes where Rene Russo runs around topless.
User ID: 9990163
Aug 27th 3:00 PM
TOPLESS!!!! How did she look? Has gravity set in? Inquiring minds want to know. Remember, Claidhaim has christened me the resident perv.

Hmm, I may have to duel him.


User ID: 1285974
Sep 2nd 12:33 PM
I think my favorite war movie has to be Patton, with Bridge on the River Kwai running a close second. I loved Saving Private Ryan but it was difficult for me to buy the whole 'I'm no better than the rest of my platoon, so even though I just found out my brothers are all dead, I want to stay here and fight because I am patriotic' speech that Matt Damon gives. I just couldn't believe that.

Anyway, I just saw the 13th Warrior and I thought it was a good movie. It was kind of slow at times but the battle scenes were done very well and the man who played Buliwif would make an excellent Sandor Clegane. Oh, for those who haven't read 'Eaters of the Dead' (from which the 13th Warrior is based), the story is just a retelling of Beowulf in a more believable fashion.
User ID: 9990163
Sep 2nd 2:29 PM
I saw the 13th Warrior on Sunday. It was an OK movie. I didn't understand the story too well though, so I ordered the book. Heck, I guess we should make that a recommended reading. Funny, while I was watching the movie, I kept thinking, this looks like Eddard Starks north. I was thinking Buliwif (sp) could have been a Jaime like character.

Hey, what happened to the Prince. He bailed after one of his henchment came down with a bad case of dead. I suppose I'll find out when I read the book. I should have it by tomorrow, and be done by next week.

User ID: 7782093
Sep 2nd 3:04 PM
Judging by the way my husband and his buddy were drooling, I guess Rene Russo looks just fine.

I liked Eaters of the Dead very much (along with the rest of Crichton's stuff). I think I'll go see 13th Warrior this weekend.
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