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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / The Readers II

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User ID: 1446254
Sep 25th 11:36 AM
Here is the place to introduce ourselves, to tell the others who we are, what we read when we don't read GRRM, and what brought us to like Fantasy.
User ID: 0443584
Sep 27th 0:07 AM
Hello everyone. Hmm, where to start? My real name is Dion (Dionysis.) I'm 18 years old, male, and starting college tomorrow. Last year I finished Lakeside high school in Seattle, and I've decided to stay in Seattle and attend the University of Washington. This first quarter I'll be taking intro to film, latin lit, moral issues of life and death, and 18th century lit. I'm trying to put together a four year curriculum that allows me to triple major in English, film, and philosophy, and minor in classics. Admittedly, this is a bit of work, but these are the topics in which I have my most avid interests, so it's really like getting credit for wandering aimlessly through a bookstore for hours. I can't wait!

My mother is Greek, my father was Norwegian. Sadly, I cannot speak or read my father's tongue. I am fluent in English and modern Greek, patchy on French, immature but inspired in Latin, and struglling with ancient Greek. I live in Seattle, but spend most of my obligation free time in Athens. My dream for the next two years is to visit Spain and China somewhere within that period. I cannot actually see either trip working out. Too expensive, too difficult.

My favorite hobby is debating with friends (or people just... around) on almost any topic upon which I have an opinion. Which is basically everything. Other than that I read, watch (and study) old movies, especially French New Wave and Kursawa, and I play chess.

I used to smoke a pipe (tobacco), a beautiful Savinelli. I recently shattered it with a hammer for it got in between myself and the girl I love. I quit cigarettes a while ago, but I've been smoking cigarillos for some time, and I never intend to quit. Min, I envy you so for being able to buy Panters for less than 15 dollars!

About my 'fresh-love' ... =) She is my First Love, my First Kiss, the other half of the person within me who is intuitively making my decisions when my mind is at peace... (sigh) Her name is Christina. We write to each other every day, although she can't write on the weekends because her e-mail account is from her work... She's 27. She has degrees in political science and international business, and is very well versed in Spanish poetry as well. She is smart, kind, considerate, VERY fair and honest yet forgiving... we share a sensibility but she holds within her all the virtues I lack. We are strikingly similar in some respects. For example, when I become upset I listen to Bruckner's ninth symphony, when she is upset she listens to Mahler's fifth. Stylistically they are inverted, one is orderly occasionally dipping into emotional chaos, the other is fragmented yet occasionally aligning to make sense of itself. They both seek to explicate 'unfulfillment,' but they go about it from opposite sides! This is like us... When you know both, when you hear both together, answers for anything and everything just seem to appear... I miss her very much. How we met is a very long and theatrical story, something which I will have to write as a book some day (think Bridges of Madison County.) If anyone cares to hear it, or has a similar story, let's start a separate thread somewhere.

Anyway, this is too much for one post. Is there any way to know exactly who still reads this board? I was very interested by some of your descriptions of yourselves, which leads me to ask: who's still around?

Oh, I have a goatee, mustn't forget that.

User ID: 0053014
Sep 27th 0:34 AM
Golly, after all that I really can't say less! :)

Quick bio for those who could care less: b1970,m,5'6",college educated VCU english,read LOTR in '77,79,79,81,84,85,86,89,90,94 (yes I really did read it when I was 7, just didn't appreciate it like I did the fourth time),read the chronicles of the unBeliever in 83,85,86,86,86,89,91,92,95,99 (while not Tolkien, a great American novel),penis length-8.6 miles (most in the X dimension),chef,blue eyes,brown hair,pessimist,optimist,unBeliever,devil's advocate thus, debater,soccer,most other unAmerican sports (bong hits,video games, and women, either older or younger), and nothing that really matters except the fact that I would be a nationalist except it's not fair to be one when you are on the top. KVJr wouldn't even condecend to piss on me though I am worthy of Heinliens grok. Gosh Min, don't know you but you sure sound scrumptious.
User ID: 0053014
Sep 27th 1:09 AM
Damn I forgot, I have a goatee as well!!!!!!!! (though I lay no claim to RJ or GRRM) Golly!
User ID: 9209903
Sep 27th 6:16 AM

I am a bit interested in that other nickname you mentioned...'Reven', wasn't it?

Seeing that you're half Norwegian blood, I thought initially that this might actually be a Norwegian nick; it translates into 'The Fox'.

OTOH, you claim to have no knowledge of the language, so I guess it's something else...
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Sep 27th 9:05 AM
Should we all be growing goatees as well?
User ID: 9209903
Sep 27th 9:30 AM

Starting with the women. I guess some hormon cures are called for...I guess some of the earlier DDR olympic team coaches could give a tip or two.
User ID: 0227464
Sep 27th 9:58 AM
I suspect Min would have no trouble growing a goatee even without hormone therapy.

<<<bobs and weaves his way wildly out the door to safety>>>
User ID: 0443584
Sep 27th 11:43 AM
KAH - actually the name Reven comes from an incidental palindrome a friend once blurted 'Reven, I never!' The name just stuck, not so much because it's 'never' spelled backwards, but I like the sound of it and it's fairly close to ravn, IIRC the Norwegian word for raven. I know just a little about Norwegian, but I never thought to look up rev. How odd. Nominal destiny, perhaps? Oddly enough my favorite bird is the rook, and so I was wondering why I clung to the name Reven. Perhaps it was fated that I was united with my beloved fox without my knowing.
User ID: 9209903
Sep 28th 9:52 AM

Well, maybe it is fate, I don't know. Sometimes, strange coincidences just happen.

On a completely unrelated note, I was just told on the rasfwr-j that my initials (KAH) is the equivalent of the ancient Egyptian word for 'soul'. :o)
doctor doom
User ID: 8611103
Sep 28th 10:31 AM
In case anyone cares, but you probably don't. Doctor Doom is really Victor Von Doom, once a great and sane scientist until scarred horribly in an accident by my hated enemy Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four. Now I rule the small nation of Latvia with an iron fist (literally, since my entire body is covered in titanium armor) and plan revenge against a world that scorned me, espically you Richards!!!!!!
User ID: 9209903
Sep 28th 12:28 PM

So, we have to go visit the Baltic states to see you?
doctor doom
User ID: 0721754
Sep 28th 12:30 PM
Actually KAH, I have an embassy right here in New York. I find that one must travel considerably to gain revenge upon one's hated enemy.
User ID: 7733333
Sep 28th 10:02 PM
KayArne: As you have said you are male, I have to admit that I have been thinking you are likely named for Sir Kay of Arthurian legend. I have realized that is probably a silly American assumption, and that just because it is the only male Kay I know of, does not mean that it is likely referring to that. So my question is: What are you named for?

Mr Penis dude: I encourage you to write words inspired by your other head on this BB :-) It sounds like a very intelligent head.

Swithin: you do sound amazing.
User ID: 1446254
Sep 29th 4:34 AM
Forgive my ignorance: What the heck is a goatee? Does it somehow relate to my recent post in the Martin is Jordan threat? Was that foreshadowing of insults yet to come?
Jeff, someone with hair on his back should keep quiet and humble, don't you think?
User ID: 9209903
Sep 29th 8:23 AM

I'm afraid that my parents had no such noble fella in mind when they named me. (if he was all that noble; IIRC, he tried to steal the kingship from Arthur)

They decided it should be something with their own initials, K and A (veeeeery original, that :P ), and thought about a once famous Norwegian (well, locally, at least) long-distance skater, Kay-Arne
Engelstad. (my father has this thing for skating)

And so I was named. :o)
User ID: 9209903
Sep 29th 8:32 AM
To add;

Kay is not a very common name in Norway(although not uncommon either), but as far as I know, it is always used on males.

Oh, and Arne is an _extremely_ common male name. :o)
User ID: 0227464
Sep 29th 8:36 AM
Actually, I have no hair on my back. But the hair growing out of my ears is quite extraordinary. :)
User ID: 9209903
Sep 29th 8:46 AM
If you grow them long enough, and comb them downwards, they make for excellent sideburns.

Or so I've heard.
User ID: 1446254
Sep 29th 10:28 AM
You also could make them into ponytails or some such, Jeffy.

how come we are talking about hair in TWO topics???
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