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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Apology to Min - my return

Swithin Nov 24th 4:00 AM
Min, I feel I must apologize to you. I've been having problems with my ISP, but I'm back. My last post was in On A Peronal Note II. I remember the night well. And then, after I'd finished moaning, you wrote to me heart felt consolation, and probably the best advice anyone has given me on how to handle the distance between me and Christina. Until tonight, I had not read it. I am remorseful, of all things, for taking your time and interest and not repaying you in the least by even checking this board from campus when my home connection was down. I am sorry.

On a happier note, everything with Christina is going well. We still write to each other every day, and I've called her since several times. I have no doubts now. We could make a life together, were it not for time and separation. I have less than a month until I see her, and I will spend New Year's in Athens. There's a silly american tradition, mostly from Hollywood, that you kiss the one you love as the dying year passes and the next is born. It looks like next year will be beautiful for me, and since everyone is saying this will be the turn of the new millennium (what do they know anyway? Still, mustn't jinx it,) I have much to look forward to (forward to which to look sounds awful, doesn't it?)

She's in Holland right now, and I won't be able to communicate with her for five days. All my friends are returning for thanks-giving, so I'll have enough recompense.
Swithin Nov 24th 4:37 AM
Min, I stopped reading near the end of your post to put up the above. I hadn't gotten to where you told me to send her a feather... In my first week back, classes had not started and Seattle's good weather was certain not to last, and so I visited Freeway park nearly everyday. One day, I saw a feather on the ground that reminded me of her. I took it home, and photographed it to send to her (the film is still undeveloped waiting by the door.) A few days later, I was convinced that I wasn't good for her, and I burnt it. We talked about it, and I felt that I had been right to burn my expectations. We have no expectations from each other, we just accept.

A week later, I went back to the park. Christina had asked me to read The Bridges of Madison county, and so I sat reading on my favorite bench when I noticed a feather directly in front of me. I kept it in my breast pocket. It was smaller, less shapely than the first, but it was in nearly the exact same spot. A few minutes later (I am fabricating none of this) I felt a bit flushed, and so I looked up to observe the clouds for a few minutes. A young woman passed by, and I interrupted her stride. I asked her if she'd ever been in love with someone far away, and if a relationship could last. Her response, verbatim (I wrote it down): "In fact I have fallen in love with someone who was far away. We were far apart for three years. We've been married for ten. I hope that helps." I've kept the feather on my desk as a reminder which might be a bit of help to Jeff: signs are what you make of the everyday, desires just come to you, but faith in your intuitions opens the door to everything nonetheless.

Anyway, hugs and thanks to all of you. Min, thank you for having faith. Linda Elane, thanks for believing in honesty. KAH, you know you're my dearest Auntie (my only auntie, in fact.) Ser Gary, thank you for being true. Relic, the world needs more hopeless romantics. Trust yourself.

CGOB, I consider your post to be satire. Feel lucky.
User ID: 0053014
Nov 24th 9:20 AM
swithin-well you should as it was. As for feeling lucky? I am kin of the god of chance. Roll the bones baby :)
User ID: 9433023
Nov 25th 4:58 AM
Swithin, I am glad you're back. And there is absolutely no need to apologize to me - AT ALL! What I wrote I wrote out of free will, and I do not expect you to be grateful or anything. Expecting gratefulness is a great mistake of our time. :-) I am glad if it helped.
And I am glad for you and Christina.
Thank you for the story of the feathers. Signs are what you make of the everyday. And you know, Swithin... with that sentence, you answered a question of _mine_, and that is all the reward I know. Signs are what you make of the everyday, indeed. Thank you for these words. :-)
User ID: 1989294
Nov 27th 0:30 AM
Be well, Min. And your little dog too! (to quote what shouldn't be heard, if you believe in the Dark Side of the Moon. Ok that was cryptic, the Wizard of Oz, that is.)