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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / Millenium?!

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User ID: 8666863
Nov 3rd 12:23 PM
Can anyone tell me (or does anyone even care?) why the American population thinks the new stinking millenium starts next year?! Everyone that frequents this board seems intelligent to me. Do you all understand that the millenium starts 2001? And this problem, is specifically an American problem or do those of you in other countries have this same problem? It just really bugs me! I mean I know everyone is excited about being around when the calender turns over, I can understand that, but it's the last year of the millenium, not the first! What does anyone else think? care?...
User ID: 0283314
Nov 3rd 12:26 PM
England's government has its Millenium Dome and related festivities geared to December 31 . . . 1999. Le sigh. ;)

User ID: 9544623
Nov 3rd 12:45 PM
Well, since that particular calendar is based upon Christianity, I don't really pay much attention to the doomsayers. With the exception of what my computer is going to do come Jan 1.
User ID: 8666863
Nov 3rd 12:52 PM
I don't particulary care for christianity either, Claidhaim, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact the people can't count! A thousand years is from 1 to 1000, not 0 to 999. That's why it bugs me...
User ID: 0227464
Nov 3rd 1:02 PM
wasn't there a Seinfeld episode about this "Newmania", as I remember :-)

I think the Y2K thing might mislead some into thinking the millenium starts this year. And the calendar does change from 1999 to 2000, so that seems significant as well.

Amy, I used to think as you did until I read an editorial. Basically, the writer was making fun of all the "know-it-alls" who feel compelled to demonstrate their superior intelligence by reminding everyone that the millenium doesn't begin until 2001. On New Years Eve, the smarmy "know it alls" will be sitting in their homes grumbling about how ignorant the masses are when everyone else is out having a good time.

I figure he's right. What difference does it really make? As Claidhaim pointed out, its really just an arbitrary date anyway, so who cares? I've decided to shut up about the whole Millenia thing and just enjoy the parties. Look at it this way --- _next_ year you can make the same argument and it'll be a great excuse for another round of parties!

Claidhaim, the other thing about the calendar is that its an arbitrary date even under Christianity. They really don't know the exact date of Jesus' birth, and from what I've read, it probably occurred in about 4 B.C. So I guess the millenium actually passed us by a few years ago.
User ID: 8666863
Nov 3rd 1:06 PM
Gee, thanx Jeff, now I feel stupid...
User ID: 0283314
Nov 3rd 1:06 PM
For my part, I'll maintain my intellectual superiority, heh. _And_ party, to some degree, just like everyone else. It just means I get to see two millenial bashes instead of one. Whee. ;)

I'm waiting for all the party-goers to throw millenium parties, have great fun, and then decide the longhairs are right after all and they'll have to do it all over together on December 31, 2000. ;)
User ID: 9209903
Nov 3rd 1:39 PM
My intellectual superiority aside for the moment...

Isn't this whole mess actually the Roman's fault?
User ID: 9209903
Nov 3rd 1:42 PM
Typically, in a post where I spout my intellectual superiority, I manage to put the apostrophe where it should not be.

_Romans' fault_, dammit!
User ID: 0227464
Nov 3rd 1:46 PM
Amy, I thought the same thing until that editorial writer set me straight. So much for us arrogant intellectuals, huh? :-)

User ID: 0485244
Nov 3rd 2:26 PM
And why doesn't anyone seem to care that JESUS was not born in the year 1?
User ID: 1836024
Nov 3rd 5:57 PM
Actually the reason that 2000 does not start the new millenium is that there was no year 0. The gregorian calender started on year 1, after Jesus' death (hence 1999 A.D. (after death), although this is now commonly referred to as A.C.E (after common era)).

Although, it is commonly accepted that the Gregorian calender skipped the years 666 and 1666, so I think our whole dates are out of whack and we are just partying in a couple of month's time because it seems like a good reason to, not beecause it is ACTUALLY the new millenium.

btw in Australia everyone still thinks that it is the end of the millenium this year. Doesn't bother me though because of the same reason as Jeff's editorial.
User ID: 1836024
Nov 3rd 6:48 PM
WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
User ID: 1836024
Nov 3rd 6:50 PM
Oops I guess this was the wrong thread. :) That previous message was meant for the manuscript on ebay thread.:)
User ID: 0053014
Nov 3rd 7:52 PM
Golly! all this fuss about a date that means no more or less than any other except to those who have computers made before 1994. The only thing I'm celebrating 2000 for is that I turn the big 30 and what better year to slide into middle age that 2000(Jan 30th for all those interested in numerology)? Golly! Cats and dogs living together, the lamb lays in the lions mouth and all the rest of the claptrap. Be prepared; stockpile everything especially automatic weapons (much better than swords), move to the desert or some high mountain peak, and don't answer any email that starts with 666. And oh yeah watch out for Amway salespeople, they aren't dangerous but Golly! are they annoying.
User ID: 7733333
Nov 3rd 8:39 PM
Didn't we celebrate the "turn of the century" in 1900? I personally think what we are celebrating is getting double or triple zeros on the end of the way we commonly accept to measure historical time. We have entered a new number group "the 2000s"

Or - heres another way to look at it. We are celebrating the beginning of the 2000th year Anno Domine (or ACE if you want).

I never heard anything about years being skipped, btw. Its a fact that quite a few days were skipped but thats all I have ever heard about.
User ID: 9433023
Nov 4th 2:36 PM
Is it really important? It's just fun goint _into_ the year 2000, even if it only is the 2000th year... and as I outed myself as clearly _not_ intellectual, I can dare saying that actually, the Millenium will reach us in _four_ years (or were it three?) Even Romans made mistakes. :-)

Hey, anyone willing to come to our Millenium Party in Cologne? :-) Just some friends of mine and me - if someone does not know what to do yet, you're invited. :-)
User ID: 0018434
Nov 4th 6:51 PM
Well, I'm gonna get drunk New Year's Eve and I don't care if it's supposed or not supposed to be special.
User ID: 0053014
Nov 4th 9:06 PM
Hallejulah Snake (or however one spells it)Sounds like a plan.
User ID: 1251404
Nov 5th 4:19 AM
Hallelujah :)

I agree with the two parties business. I used to argue and argue about the whole Millenium thing and then one day I woke up to myself and just realised that I can have two huge parties :)

It's gonna go Boom! It's gonna go BOOOM!!!

--If anyone can guess which cartoon that quote comes from I'll kiss you stupid. NO ONE knows it and it is really pissing me off, it was the coolest cartoon EVER.
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