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A Song of Ice and Fire / Other Topics / What Should Martin do after ASoIaF?

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User ID: 9551723
Apr 29th 2:54 AM
OK, the year is 2006 ( or maybe 2008, or 2010 :-), and Martin is finally finished with the sixth and last book( or seventh and last, or eights...), A Time for Wolves (or...?). What should he do next?
Here's my call.
1. Revive the WILD CARDS sequence. 2006 is sixty years after the WILD CARD combustion in 1946, and some 15 years or so after the last Wild Card book: get some new, big names, to replace Roger Zelazny (nominees: Neil Gaiman, Stephen King and Octavia Butler), and continue the tales of the Wild Card bunch. the Great and Powerful Turtle would be 63 years old! now that should be kinde' fun.

2. Abandon Fantasy. Martin has written great SF, great Horror, and now great Fantasy. But he's almost only known for his Fantasy stuff- he should get some reputation for the other kinds of fiction he can write. A new SF novel would be very welcome. Besides, would you really want another 10 years of waiting impatiantly for Martin's books? is this kind of 'Tell you grand children' thing?

3. Find an outlet for Dunk and Egg stories. OK, the world of ASoIaF is my favorite of Martin's worlds, and I wuld like to see more stories here. Dunk and Egg novellas are the perfect tools for that. So let Martin find a way to publish a Dunk and Egg story every couple of years, to keep us fans happy.

What Martin SHOULDN'T do:
1. Write a prequel for ASoIaF. that'll be kinde blown out. What for? how many more words do we need about the ancestors of our characters? plus, you know it'll just mean that there'll bedemand for prequels to the prequels, and prequels to the prequels of the prequels, etc.

2. Write A sequal for Fevre Dream. Some great stories should be left unharmed.

But the truth is, I'd read anything Martin publishes, even if it's the prequel to the prequel to the prequel to the Dunk and egg stories.

OK, any ideas?
User ID: 0867924
Apr 29th 4:53 AM
GRRM's said he's got some ideas. The prequel, for instance, might not deal with ancestors at all -- he's said he isn't keen on showing Aegon and his sisters, and he's also said that the tourney at Harrenhal would be a pretty good place to write a book about because a lot happens in ten days.

He's also said that he has another idea for a fantasy series, in medieval-type world but totally unrelated to ASoIaF.

I wouldn't mind seeing some SF, or maybe a collection of stories with some new things tossed in, either. He has said he doesn't want to write the same thing forever, so ... I suppose that second series idea is not just totally unrelated, but totally unlike ASoIaF as well. Wonder what makes it so different...
User ID: 0721754
Apr 29th 6:47 AM
I would love to see more Dunk and Egg stories, but no prequel set in the rebellion. Its good when we see flashbacks, like Neds dream of facing the three Kingsguard, it whets our apetite. But I think a full book would ruin the mystery, what would we have to talk about?
Tom R.
User ID: 3647314
Apr 29th 7:07 AM
Well, I, for one, would very much like to see a prequel focusing on Ned, Lyanna, Rhaegar, Robert, et al. Many of Martin's most intriguing characters in this series, IMHO, are already dead and are now only being revealed in flashbacks and memories. If Martin's prequel comes in the form of a novel set during the Harrenhall tourney, that'd be just fine with me.

A lot depends, however, on how much of the past history of Westeros is yet to be revealed in the 6-book series. I may revise my opinion if most of my questions about these now-dead characters are answered--but even so, I certainly prefer "live action" narrative to some character's memories or dreams.

Then again, maybe at the end of the sixth book Bran will wake up and the WHOLE STORY will have been a dream....
User ID: 0255034
Apr 29th 9:52 AM
If it's a prequel, I would vote for one that goes way back. I want to see the trials and tribulations of the First Men and the Children of the Forest.
User ID: 1432154
Apr 29th 5:43 PM
I totally agree with Tom R. there.a prequel will be great so long as all the mysteries aren't revealed by the sixth book.
User ID: 1125704
May 1st 5:42 PM
The Great and Powerful Turtle? Who is he? I never read the Wild Card stuff (I can't seem to find it) but I am wondering: is this the Great and Powerful Turtle that Stephen King references from time to time in his books? I specifically remember that there was a Great and Powerful Turtle in the book It. Just curious since It is one of my favorites.
Flayed Man
User ID: 9147853
May 1st 7:58 PM
I for one want to know more about light bringer how the man created it and for what purporse ect. also i would like to hear more about nymeria
User ID: 8813033
May 1st 10:31 PM
Being one who constantly is required to write under horrible deadlines, I honestly hope the guy takes a couple of years off to enjoy himself.
User ID: 9551723
May 2nd 4:38 AM
Telisiane - The Great and Powerful Turtle is a character from the WILD CARD series, the character Martin frequently writes stories about. He's a man with an incredible amount of telecinetic power, so he sits inside a protected car refered to as Shell, and fights evil. Now I know it sounds silly the way I write it, but you should have enough confidence in Martin's writing that it is very, very good. You can buy Wild Cards book from GrrM himself, or buy them online, for example at
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
May 2nd 7:22 AM
I personally like the idea of GRRM writing yet another fantasy series or novel (even one that's totally unrelated to ASOIAF). There are few enough really good stories coming out in the fantasy genre, even now. GRRM, like Guy Gavriel Kay and a few others, definitely has the knack.
User ID: 1125704
May 3rd 2:53 PM
Omer - thanks for the info on the Great and Powerful Turtle. I had this image of a real turtle, green and wise looking with a lovely polished shell. Now I imagine a big guy stuffed into a VW bug surrounded by empty MacDonald's bags. I'm not sure which image I prefer. But I will pick up the Wild Cards books.

Another question: do you have to start in order, or can you jump around in the series? I can't seem to locate the very first book but I have seen a few Wild Card Mosaic novels floating around.
User ID: 9551723
May 3rd 4:31 PM
mmm... Martin said you're probably better off reading in order and I mostly agree... but not completely. I've only read 5 books so far, but it seems as if every 3 books are a series, so you can start with the fourth or first.
However I would recommand reading the first books first.
The first one, WILD CARDS, has several great stories, including one from Zelazney, The Sleeper, STRINGS, by Stephen Leigh, and a great, great story about persecution and McCarthy by Melinda Snodgras. Unfortunately, it also contains the only story by George R. R. Martin I didn't simply adore - Shell Games. But he's made up for it, and his contribution to the second novel, ACES HIGH, was much more substantial, and is in fact on of the best stories he's written( on par with The Hedge Knight, for instant)

Gary - well, I'd find it frastrating. Do you really want to have to live through 2008-2018 in exiety? I'd much prefer a series of stand alone novels and novellas.
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
May 4th 9:13 AM
You make a good point. But consider also how much fun we've had discussing the possibilities in the upcoming books. We are having fun, right? :)
User ID: 9551723
May 4th 2:56 PM
Yeah, we are. and We're gonna have fun between SOS and DWD and then till WoWm and then till TfW.
but COME ON! Do you want to keep doing this forever? Me, at least, I'd like to experience something different.
Also, if Martin'll write a new Fantasy epic, comperisons would be constantly drawn. And if he'd sat it in the same world ( heavens forbid) you'll have the constant raving of people wanting Tyrion of the Targaryns to disappear.

No, I think its best for Martin to do something else.

The only thing I REALLY care about, though, is that Martin will stay in the world of the written word, and won't go back to Holliwood. I hope that now that he's a famous author, he won't have temptation by the Lore of the big money :-)
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
May 5th 7:30 AM
This is not a full-time job for me. I visit the board from time to time and post at my leisure. That's the idea and it's enjoyable. And I agree with you that Martin should get away from the ASOIAF fantasy world next time. However, I do think he should continue to write fantasy because he's so good at it. Comparisons be damned. :)
User ID: 9551723
May 5th 8:43 AM
But he's good at writing ANYTHING. That's the point. ASoIaF is only one of many favorites.
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
May 5th 8:51 AM
But I like reading fantasy, and there aren't enough real good fantasy writers out there. That's been my point. I'd hate to lose GRRM to another genre.
User ID: 9551723
May 6th 4:16 AM
Well, he'd still write Dunk and Egg stories...
User ID: 9551723
May 6th 4:17 AM
plus I guess I'm more of a Science Fiction fan, and would like Martin to start making SF History again.
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