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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / Grand scale of things

Luke__ Mar 24th 4:08 PM

The book is obviously a succession war, and that might change in a while. But for now, it is about being king. But king of what. Is this book about the throne of Westeros with occasional chapters around the world, or are the other nations going to become active in the upcoming events. What could cause them to go active, an invasion by the Others? An extremly terrible winter? or both?
haaruk Mar 24th 9:08 PM
There seems to be activity on all fronts actually. Mellisandre is from Asshai with an interesting agenda. Illyrio has ambitions as do the terrible trio in Quarth. There are threads of involvement everywhere.
User ID: 8068153
Mar 25th 7:55 AM
In the recent GRRM on-line chat, he said he would be including maps of areas beyond Westros in future books. I agree with Haaruk, there will be action on other fronts and the Dothraki (with their incredible battle skills), probably via Dany, will be involved.
User ID: 0283314
Mar 25th 11:37 AM
He didn't say that there would be maps of areas beyond Westeros.

He simply said that there would be more maps. I myself took this to mean that we'll get more detailed maps of places like the Neck, the North, and the area about the Wall.

I suppose it can mean the eastern continent as well though. Except I do believe I recollect him saying something about not being interested in drawing out the eastern continent. I may be mis-remembering however.

Anyone else recall that comment?
User ID: 0923684
Mar 25th 11:57 AM
I can half rememebr something to that effesct, but it may have been secondhand, certainly not on the Legends BBS or in last week's chat.
User ID: 9209903
Mar 25th 12:00 PM
I think I maybe also seem to recall something of that effect. :)

Anyway, I've always had a feeling that everything outside Westeros would be outside the storyline in most of the series. Dany will end up sooner or later in the Seven Kingdoms, and then we will have no more people outside. (unless we get a whole lot of Stark exiles)

The only things that need a resolution in the east, is (IMHO) Quaithe, and Mago and his cronies (Dany swore he would pay).

Ser Benjen
User ID: 1195644
Mar 25th 12:43 PM
The series is concentrated on Westeros. But just like in reality, the political and cultural events that occur are not entirely without foreign influence.

The series itself will include and hopefully conclude some conflicts and events that began years before aGoT started. Such as the deposition of the Targaryen rulers. The coincedence of a long winter and the appearence of the Others hints of some return of the older races of Westeros, like the Children of the Forest and the green men. The wall was built something like 7 or 8 thousand years before aGoT and we are going to find out why . Maybe at the end Westeros won't need their Wall anymore.
User ID: 8068153
Mar 25th 12:43 PM
I get the distinct impression Arya may be going overseas at some point in time to deliver that coin of hers.
User ID: 0923684
Mar 25th 1:16 PM
Why have Mohammed go to the mountain, when the mountain will most probably come to Westeros?
User ID: 9209903
Mar 25th 2:27 PM
Because the Mountain was grinded down by the Stone Mill?
User ID: 9544623
Mar 25th 2:32 PM
User ID: 8068153
Apr 1st 2:00 PM
Ser Benjen, it strikes me that maybe in the end the peace-loving people will move north and use the Wall to keep the war-mongers locked away in the Seven Kingdoms!
Ser Benjen
User ID: 1195644
Apr 1st 2:08 PM
I think alot of peace-loving people would get eaten but he Others in that case.
User ID: 8068153
Apr 1st 2:37 PM
Good point! The trick would be to get the Others lumped in with the war mongers in the south.
User ID: 1404584
Apr 4th 5:59 PM
While everyone south of the wall is fighting, Dany will come and try to take over.

Except the Others will be coming at the same time, so Dany will have to put aside plans of domination, and help save her kingdom instead!

User ID: 0018434
Apr 7th 12:43 PM
I think the books are about the Starks and their fate and the fate of their world.
Ser Gary
User ID: 8068153
Apr 7th 1:35 PM
You raise an interesting point, Snake. Up to this point, we have come to identify more with the Starks, but maybe that will change in the next couple of books. Perhaps the focus will shift instead to the Targaryen(s). I think GRRM has sent us a clear message that we should never count on expecting the expected.
User ID: 1404584
Apr 8th 11:40 PM
Others have mentioned on other boards that the fate of the Starks (in particular, Robb) = the fate of the north. Perhaps, its more accurate to say 'the fate of the Starks, the fate of the world?"

Ser Gary, I dont think the focus will shift completley to the Targaryens, because we still only have one Targaryen POV, and that is Dany! The focus, however, may shift away from the Starks as the books go on.

Martin in the chat mentioned that Ned, a Stark, was the dominant character in AGOT, while Tyrion, not a Stark, was the dominant character in ACOK.
User ID: 9259363
Oct 15th 3:48 AM
But there is still only one Lannister POV and five Stark ones