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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / Who will win win in the end?

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User ID: 0721754
Feb 23rd 10:17 AM
I'm talkig about the at the end of the series. Who will rule Westeros? Or will Westeros have 2,3, or even 7 kingdoms again? I have my ideas, but I'd like to hear all of your opinions.
User ID: 0707654
Feb 24th 0:22 AM
The good guys will win they always do in the end
Ser Gary
User ID: 1523284
Feb 24th 7:11 AM
The good guys will undoubtedly win. But how do we know who the good guys are in a series featuring so many "gray" characters? And six books in, the good guys at the end may be the bad guys from the beginning. And vice versa.
User ID: 0721754
Feb 24th 12:01 PM
Perhaps I should have been clearer. There are really two different factions that could be defined as "good guys". There are the Starks and the Targaryens. Neither has any reason to like each other. More to the point, they have every reason to be great enemies. Will Jon Snow be the bridge to unite these two Houses? Or will be it be the Starks standing at the end. I say that because the title of the last book all but implies that.
User ID: 9906923
Feb 29th 12:39 PM
I think the Others will rule. Just kidding.

I think there will be a split in the kingdoms. From the wall south will be one and from the wall north will be one.

The starks will move up north of the wall as Jon being the Lord. Winterfell is destroyed. The wall will become nothing a thing of the past. They will have/protect the "children" there as well. Rickon and bran will be there too. Ayra will marry the services of the faceless.

South of the wall will be ruled by Dany and Tyrion (the white lion).

User ID: 1641184
Mar 23rd 9:59 PM
the Starks RULE!!!!
User ID: 1432154
Mar 24th 8:37 AM
I honestly see seven kingdoms. Why make a kingdom that use to be seven kingdoms and just not use that at the end?
User ID: 0721754
Mar 24th 9:12 AM
Or it could be split in two. As Robert noted AGOT. the North is as large as the the other 6 combined. Will the Starks rule the North while the rest is ruled by Dany/Jon/Tyrion or whoever?
User ID: 1536664
Mar 24th 9:22 AM
I think it'll be split in two. For Westeros to be truly secure, the North needs to be able to maintain its focus on the Wall without getting involved in Southern politics.
User ID: 0541004
Mar 24th 10:27 AM
*lame joke alert*

I think Robb will win, and make one realm out of the North, the Eyrie, the Riverlands, and the Iron Islands (the fourth 'kingdom').

Dany will have the other four kingdoms - the Storm Lands, the West, the Reach, and Dorne.

These two will then make up what will be called 'The Hard Eight Kingdoms'. :P
I, Claudius
User ID: 0505634
Mar 24th 2:54 PM
The Martells. They will keep a low profile until everybody is more or less dead, then they will march north to conquer all Westeros in a single and victorious campaign.
User ID: 1641184
Mar 24th 6:21 PM
The last book will be called a time for wolves, right? It sort of implies that the Starks will be the ruling family.
User ID: 0867924
Mar 24th 7:34 PM
GRRM has stated he's not really happy with the title. So, if he comes up with something better, he'll use that.

I'm also not so certain that 'A Time for Wolves' necessarily even refers to the Starks directly. In part, sure, but it probably indicates that in the final hour everyone has to come together -- you know, a wolf alone dies, a pack survives.

But that's my reading. I think it's too obvious if it just indicates that Starks are ruling, but that could be the beauty of it -- do the obvious and make them all go, 'Nah, he wouldn't be so obvious.' ;)
User ID: 1641184
Mar 25th 7:43 AM
I can't believe that he'll kill off the Starks because they seem to be the most honor bound and overall "good" people in the book. It would be so depressing if the cruel and personally ambitious people gain control at the end of the series. Consider he started us with the Starks, tortured them, gave them freedom. I think that points to them becoming a power to be reconned with. Martin may not like the title because it does point to the conclusion. I just think it's grossly unfair to do bad things to good people and not let them get something in the end.
User ID: 0721754
Mar 27th 10:26 AM
Very good point, Aloriana. And that is something I have been thinking about in reagrds to the next book. ASOS looks to be a very grim book. Specualtion has been rampant to anumber of bad things happening. Robb Stark, Hoster and Edmure Tully, and perhaps even Catelyn look to be perhaps knocking on heaven's door. Winterfell has been razed and the North is dooomed. Sansa looks to be sex toy for either Joffrey or Littlefinger. So.....IS GRRM GONNA TOSS US A FRIGGIN' BONE???
I mean I like dark, sad tales, but I do hope something positive happens before the 5 year gap.
User ID: 1641184
Mar 27th 11:01 AM
I dunno I think the Starks have had it pretty bad. I think Robb will survive the series and Sansa will be long gone from KL by the next book. I don't think that if Stark power, what they have, were to break that they'd ever get it back. Especially when everyone learns that Robb is the last male Stark left.
I, Claudius
User ID: 0505634
Mar 27th 2:31 PM
Aloriana, I think that GRRM is portraying a situation were the word "power" has different meanings. Robb will die in ASOS and the Stark's "military power" will be crushed, with this, their "political power" their alliances and the fealty of their bannermen will crumble too.

OTOH the Starks have a different kind of power. Something very faint now, but something that's growing strong too. Call it "magic", call it "gods of the North" or "direwolves", it doesn't matter, at the end this will be the decisive factor.

Now the fight is in a political level in time the magical elements will become more important: Melissandre, the Dragons, the Others... Then the real power of the Starks will be revealed. Bran is the clue, not Robb.
User ID: 1641184
Mar 27th 6:24 PM
But i don't want Robb to die!!!!
User ID: 0101764
Mar 27th 10:27 PM
He won't. That's just wishful thinking by Imp lovers.
User ID: 1641184
Mar 28th 6:10 AM
I think we should start a Society for the Preservation of Robb. Anyone game?
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