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A Song of Ice and Fire / A Song of Ice and Fire / Bran the Wizard

Street Prophet
User ID: 1307164
Jul 7th 1:49 PM
Any thoughts as to what will happen to Bran by the next trilogy? It seems to me that he is going in the direction of a young Merlin (if you've read the Crystal Cave you probably know what I'm talking about). He's growing up to be a wise young man. I can see him in a tower in the mountains, raising his dragon of Winterfell. Visitors approaching through the forest would be seen by his wolves and eagles through his eyes. No stranger could approach without his knowing. Smallfolk in their villages around the forest would sometimes see the dragon with his master on it's back flying through the air on moonlit night. Groovy.
User ID: 8576533
Jul 8th 7:24 AM
Personally I think he will also heal himself and learn how to be a knight. I see him as a combination of wise man/mystic and brilliant swordsman. If SOS lasts one to one and a half years, Bran will be fifteen to sixteen in the DOD. So he could be quite skilled with the sword by then, Jaime was.
User ID: 0408214
Jul 9th 1:26 AM
With all this speculation that Bran will 'get' a dragon, let's not forget he's already got a beastie! I just don't see how a dragon and wolf can co-exist with Bran (or even Jon) as a link between the two.

IMHO I've always envisioned Daenerys keeping all three of the dragons for herself. In CoK she heard many offers for the dragons, but turned them all down. She's very possesive of them.

User ID: 0408214
Jul 9th 1:29 AM
Regarding the 'who gets the dragons' speculation, I guess everyone's envisioning Bran or Jon eventually coming into contact with one of the dragons. In Jon's case the dragon would recognize him as a Targaryon and establish bonded link with him, similar to what he's developping with Ghost.

Bran is showing signs of mystic powers, which might bond a dragon to him. Sounds interesting, but I just hope the wolves don't get set aside as the boys 'upgrade' their pets!
User ID: 1014104
Jul 13th 10:13 PM
Someone is going to have to coming dragons and direwolves and I think it will be Jon
User ID: 9328513
Jul 13th 10:27 PM
Tyrion long dreamed of flying a dragon as well.
User ID: 3612744
Jul 29th 10:29 PM
It would be cool if Bran was healed, but I am not sure that he will be. That would require some pretty big magic, which Martin usually avoids. In fact, it would be much like bringing back a dead character. Sort of a Gandalf like activity. This is a stretch on my part, but that is how Bran being healed would feel...something on that scale...where the event is so unlikely that the author has to take liberties with the work...or the suspension of disbelief is ruined.

However, I wouldn't be surprised to see some sort of magical bond between Bran and either a wild creature or the Children. Heck, even if Bran doesn't get healed, he is a warg. He will likely learn to interact with direwolves and mammoth and birds, etc if he meets up with the Children. He can have them do his bidding, just as Lords have knights do their bidding. He won't like it, but he is responsible and mature, for his age. He will do what he can to survive and help his family.
User ID: 0798784
Jul 30th 10:41 AM
I would like Bran to be able to shuffle around on crutches or something along those lines. I don't see how he can play an important role as an adult if he has to be carried everywhere. Also, he probably will spend the "next" 5-6 years in conditions less forgiving than Winterfell, IMHO it would be more plausible if he had at least a modest freedom of physical action.

BTW, I think that Bran is the next Lord Stark and that he will command fighters during the war against the Others.
User ID: 0798784
Jul 31st 8:35 AM
Bran will ride a dragon. Or a mammoth, or sit on a throne of Giantesses.
User ID: 2240694
Jul 31st 10:12 AM
Didn't GRRM say he hated writing children and cripples? If so, maybe he won't leave Bran a cripple.
User ID: 0867924
Jul 31st 10:25 AM
He didn't say he hated it, exactly. He said that the children were the most difficult for him to write, and that Bran was particularly difficult because of his paralysis.

Obviously, jumping forward 5 years will help alleviate the first matter, so I'm not certain he'd rush to "fix" Bran, at least not physically.
Rachel Soloveichik
User ID: 9586293
Jul 31st 10:42 AM
Bran already had a trained horse. Why can't he use Summer for the same thing. He's as large as a pony, so size shouldn't be a problem even when Bran's an adult. And a wolf is far more maneuverable than a horse, so he can go pretty much anywhere.
User ID: 2240694
Jul 31st 10:46 AM
By the time DOD arrives, Bran is going to be too large to be lifted, and will be too large for Summer. By then, he must have some way of moving around. The two most logical options are a new horse, or healing. Personally I lean towards healing, as the horse won't help him in castles. Possibly multiple lifters could help, but I think this would simply limit the story too much. And heh, if the crow will teach him to fly, walking should be easy by comparison :)
User ID: 0867924
Jul 31st 10:56 AM
Too large to be lifted? By _Hodor_? Uhm ... Bran would have to put on a couple of feet and a few hundred pounds before that became a problem, I think. :)
User ID: 0798784
Jul 31st 11:01 AM
Ok, this is what I think would be cool..Bran gets lost in the great north, meets the Children of the Forest and becomes their new leader or new mascot or the first person that the children bring in and teach all of the old magic, etc. etc...and Bran turns into some sort of insane Aragorn/Druid-Ranger Jedi and follows a new plan for the world - allowing GRRM to bring some more traditional fantasy back into the series, like Bran leading giant direwolves and calling the trees to come alive and strangle his enemies...errr..ok, might be kinda cool but i am half serious..