Fairuza Balk, a great actress in my perspective...

I guess like most other people, I didn't hear of Fairuza until I saw The Craft, and I must say she didn't blew me away. I mean, it was a good film, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't like I'd seen one brilliant performance. But nevertheless I found her very intresting, unlike so many other actors out there.
So I got on the Net and went to the iMDB (Internet Movie DataBase @ www.imdb.com) and searched for this Fairuza Balk. To my great surprise I saw a whole bunch of films she did. So I wrote a few down and went to see if I could find some at my videostore.
At that time Island of Dr. Moreau had just come out on video, so I took that one with me.
But when I watched this film, I saw a whole different kind of character. It's hard to explain what it really is. I think it's the mystical thing she has over her when she plays a part. She's able to fully get you into the movie.
At this point I was really convinced about her talent and I decided I just had to get all of her films. But unfortunately I soon found out that her films were really hard to get when you're from Europe. Anyway, where I'm from we have a couple of import-stores so I got some cool movies like Tollbooth, Gas Food Lodging, Murder in the Heartland.

I have to say until now my favourite movies are Gas, Food, Lodging and Tollbooth. Not only are these movies just good to watch, Fairuza also plays killer-roles in them.