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What About Bob?

Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss): You think he's gone?   He's not gone!  That's trhe whole point!  He's never gone!
[Leo opens the door; there's Bob]
Bob Wiley (Bill Murray): Is this some radical new therapy?
Dr. Leo Marvin: YOU SEE!!!??

Bob: You ever hear of Tourette's syndrome?  Involuntarily shouting out profanities?
Leo: It's exceptionally rare.
Bob: Shit-eating son-of-a-bitch... bastard, douche-bag, twat, numb-nuts, dickhead!
Leo: Why exactly are you doing this?
Bob: Well, if I faje it, then I don't have it.

Leo: All's I want is some peace and quiet!
Bob: Okay, I'll be quiet.
Siggy: And I'll be peace.

"What if I'm looking for a bathroom, I can't find one... and my bladder explodes?"
