Bill Murray Books

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One week on the New York Times Bestseller
Two weeks on's Bestseller
Published by Random House

Book Cover
About the book

Pics & Interview (courtesy of Random House):
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Do you have a favorite author? A favorite book?
Well, my favorite author is Mark Twain. He's smart, and funny. Huckleberry Finn, especially the chapter all the purists hate, in which Tom Sawyer stages an elaborate rescue of Jim, is a writer having as much fun as possible. But my favorite book is a two-parter by Laurens Van Der Post, "A Story Like The Wind" and "A Far Off Place. My favorite book used to be The Plague by Albert Camus.

What inspired you to write Cinderella Story?
The chance at literary immortality, I guess.

Besides golf, what else in your life are you passionate about?

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Have you always wanted to be a comedian?
No, I wanted to be a baseball player, then a doctor.

Which do you like better, acting in movies or on television? Why?
Movie acting suits me because I only need to be good for ninety seconds at a time.

Rabbit's Review

Excerpts of this book can be found on this page.

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From the Back Cover:
"Murray plays the funny, daffy guy with all the verve he gives to that role in his movies. If he's had a staid moment in his golfing life, it isn't told here."
--Washington Post

"No one has ever provided a sport with more comic relief than Bill Murray does golf."
--Christian Science Monitor

"A book infused with gentle humor and even poetic insight. The style is breezy, anecdotal and one of Murray's comic routines."
--Denver Post

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Pictures are taken from this page.

Slouching Toward Fargo
by Neal Karlen

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On the back cover:

"So what is this about, you and the Saints?"
I asked Bill Murray in the dugout.
"What's the connection?"
"You have to find that out for yourself,"
he said.
"I can't tell you."

Cinderella Story: My Life in Golf & Slouching Toward Fargo can be bought on
