Bill Murray: The Classic News Archives

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"I got some good news... the good news is..." (Larger Than Life, 1996)

27 March 1999

Bill Murray Trashes On Adam Sandler!

In Sunday's New York Times Magazine, fellow "Saturday
Night Live" grad Bill Murray says, "I would enjoy
driving in L.A. with the windows down more than I
would enjoy watching 'The Waterboy.'"

Roger's opinion: The wacky, sleazy cool Bill Murray now is definitely better than Adam Sandler.  Who couldn't remember Stripes, Caddyshack, Ghostbusters, What About Bob?, and Groundhog Day?  I think you can get more wit out of Murray's jokes than Sandler's jokes, which are kinda dumb.  You can laugh and cry at the same time out of Murray's movies, but not for Adam's movies.  These great movies are The Razor's Edge, Scrooged, Groundhog Day, and Rushmore.  They all shows that Murray can really perform, he could really act, and you could also feel that he wants you to understand him.  Rushmore is truly a model movie that other SNL alumni should folllow.  But I can't say the same to Adam Sandler.  Waterboy is not too bad, but it's not that good: it does not deserve the box-office at least.  People tend to like this kind of jokes is due to the fact that there are not enough good comedies coming out in that period.  But when Rushmore comes out, it automatically becomes the most-buzzed comedy of the year (although not well-received in box-office).   Futhermore, I can really say Bill Murray is also a great dramatic actor (just like Robin Willaims) after seeing his performances in Rushmore, The Razor's Edge, Mad Dog & Glroy, and Groundhog Day.  Although he was not well-praised by critics back to 1984 when he appeared in The Razor's Edge (just because the Ghostbuster-spirit was so high at that time), some people say that he accmoplished what he wanted to do in Scrooged, his big come-back movie.  I can't really say the same to either Waterboy or The Wedding Singer.  Usual actors will not stand up and trash on other actors, but for Murray, he is brave enough to do that.  This indeed shows his self-confidence.  Murray is really a shrewd guy I'm talling you.  He could have a big comeback after making two flops: Larger Than Life, and The Man Who Knew Too Little.  He knows how, when, what to star in.  And this is why I like this wacky guy so much!

Below are some of the comments excerpted from SNL board.  Enjoy!   Enjoy!  If you have some comments, why don't you tell me ([email protected]), and I'll put them here too.     

MAK: But not everyone is singing his praises: In this
Sunday's New York Times Magazine, fellow "Saturday
Night Live" grad Bill Murray says, "I would enjoy
driving in L.A. with the windows down more than I
would enjoy watching 'The Waterboy.'"

Strange to see dissent among former SNLers.

joe: How could Bill say that after being in " The man who knew too little "

Jeremy: And who could forget Larger Than Life--I wish I could!

Lizzy: Bill Murray is one of the most talented performer to graduate from SNL. He has made a few
bombs but he has had a bright career. I think it is odd, because Sandler kind of reminds me of Bill

Jay: Hmm.....lemme think here.....let's see, I like Sandler, but there's a small prob: HE HAS NO
ACTING SKILLS! Sure he can sing and get a laugh. Bill Murray can make you laugh or cry.
Sandler can dropkick a linebacker and make you wish ya hadn't wasted $5. Sandler's funny, but
Bill Murray is one of the kings of comedy


Jeremy: I agree, Bill Murray is one of the 5 best comic actors today. My favorite movies of his are
Kingpin, Scrooged, What About Bob, and Groundhog Day.

child: RIGHT ON BILL!!! Everybody makes a dud now and then, but at least not ALL of Bill Murray's
movies are duds, as Sandler's are (ok, "Wedding Singer"s not quite a dud). Bill has versatility, and
can get laughs from intellegent people. Sandler represents an ungodly dumbing-down of comedy,
and gets laughs by making ONE silly voice and hitting people. Bill knows how to act.

Jordan: I think Adam has shown us he can act with "Wedding Singer." I do like Murray's work, but I'm
quite appalled that he said that stuff.

VixRose: Don't forget that Sandler has that movie coming out soon. He actually doesn't talk in a weird
voice. It looks kinda cute. I don't remember the name of it (something about being a dad.) As for
Murray, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but he was rude about it and that is not
appealing in my book.

Jeremy: If Bill Murray wants to cheap shot a former SNLer, it should be Dan Aykroyd. He's made a ton
of stupid movies, albeit a lot of great ones too.

Jay: Hey, at least Aykroyd didn't have to rely on dropkicks and a funky accent to be famous. He was
just one of a kind. Sandler is too, but he's no where near as good as Belushi, Aykroyd, Murray,
Chase, or any of the legends

Jack: It's so true. Adam Sandler acts like a retard. Bill Murray has a great wit about him. He should've
gotten an Oscar nom for "Rushmore". His performance in that was more brilliant than anything
Sandler could ever do. Lets think about it. The Wedding Singer Vs. Groundhog Day which is the
better romantic comedy?

paula: It's true, Bill comes off as a better dramatic actor, and maybe he is. But Adam Sandler showed us
he can do it too, with "The Wedding Singer." I was touched by that movie, as well as entertained.
"Groundhog Day" just put me to sleep.
I did like "What About Bob" and "Scrooged."

Jay: As a kid, I liked Murray and Aykroyd in the Ghostbusters movies. I had all the toys, a halloween
costume of them...Bill Murray was good in this supernatural movie which became a cartoon. Too
bad he had to hook up with Sigourney Weaver...

Murray was screwed I tell ya,

Conan: I think Bill Murray is one of the most talented comic actors working today! There is no way Adam
Sandler can compare to him. I loved him in the Wedding Singer, but he is no Bill Murray. The fact
is Adam Sandler appeals to a younger audience and his films reflect this. Perhaps, someday
Sandler will make movies that are more diverse. I feel they are both extremly talented at what they

adam is an idiot but i love him. no matter what. something about his dumbness reminds me of

priscilla: i love bill too. he gots wit like one of you said. i like the part in larger than life when he had a
pigeon on his head and the owner chucked seeds at it.

20 March 1999

Murray won Best Supporting Actor Award in Independent Spirit Award.  Although he is not able to come, he sends a message to Wes Anderson saying that he is still courting the Oscar.  This is what he said: It's really nice for you to give me this award, but I feel that if I came to the Independent Spirit Award, it would send the wrong message to the Academy of Motion Picture,  who I'm still courting, desperately courting.   But I couldn't be more proud of the IFC for giving this award to a Motion Picture Superstar like myself.  It felt a lot of independence and a lot of spirit.   Thank you.       

28 Febraury 1999

News Headline: Is Murray gonna be in Ghostbusters III??

Will anything happen after the 15th anniversary re-release of the 1st Ghostbusters in theaters?

Four new reports concerning about Bill Murray in GB3 have been rumored all around, but all of them seem to conflict each other.

"Yesterday morning Harold Ramis was interviewed on a local radio morning show in Chicago. When asked if he would ever do another Ghostbusters he said that Aykroyd and him would only do it if Bill Murray was involved. He said that they have apporoched Murray and he said that he would only do the movie if his character was killed off in the first two minutes of the movie. That way he could play a ghost in the remainder of themovie. Harold Ramis pretty much left it at that, not saying whether or not he would consider working that into a script." [Don't look into the proton stream, 'Murf'!]

Quite frankly, if it is true that Murray will become a ghost and fight with the Ghostbusters like slimer, it is a very good idea. It seems that Murray really said it before, and he is really considering to be in the third GB.

Next, two European readers saw a report on the European version of MTV News that said Murray claimed Ghostbusters 3 was happening and that the actor was going to be in it. The MTV story also said the new film will hold true to the previous storylines and there will be four Ghostbusters in the new film again. Like we said at the start of today's entry, there's two scoops and both are telling us different things about Murray's (non)-involvement. [Scooped by Brandon Lewis and 'ThuurDogg'.]

I can't confirm about this, I just hope that I was that two European readers.

And last but not least: "A friend of mine, Kyle Newman from NYU (you may remember his Coca-Cola ad from the summer where a dog chases man intoa theatre and they both fall in love with the movie) was at the New York premiere of Rushmore. He said that Bill Murray was asked about his involvement in GB3 and that he said he would never attatch his name to another Ghostbusters." [Scoop sent by Tommy Kirchmeier.]

I don't know if it's true or not, but Murray did not want to star in the sequel at the first time. He told in Starlog Magazine that he was not going to be in the next Ghostbusters again in 1988, when he was doing the second Ghostbusters.

But then, Murray has just announced in Parade Magazine that after the success of Rushmore, he is going to focus more on comedy and get this -- sequel!!! To my interpretation, he means the third Ghostbsuters.

These are all I can say, only time can tell us what will happen next... so let's wait. But hey, the first Ghostbusters will be re-releaesed this year in theaters for its 15th anniversary, and the DVD will also be released soon. If Ghostbusters will succeed in theaters again, I'm quite positive that the third Ghostbusters will happen!!!

(The first three information is provided by Corona GB3 page.)

13 February 1999

After Rushmore, What will Bill do to keep up his good work?

Although Rushmore does not win Murray an Oscar nomination, he actually has eight nominations for the movie and won four of them by now. This also strengthens his seats in Hollywood. Lots and lots of scripts have arrived at Murray's hands, and what does he choose to do next?

Bill Murray recently announced at Mr. Showbiz about his upcoming projects and movies. Gathering the facts he said and other information, I come up with an idea of Murray's Completed Upcoming Project.

Bill Murray had already done his 10-minutes apperance in Ethan Hawke's New York City updated version of Williams Shakespeare's Hamlet . He also did Tim Robbins' The Cardle Will Rock, in which he plays a character that is added in by Tim Robbins, a vaudevillian, a ventriloquist. The two movies are supoosed to be released in the fall of this year.

Besides, in 1997, Murray also said that he would rewrite the script of French movie, Grosse Fatigue, with his fellow Mitch Glaser (who also co-wrote Scrooged (1988)). And indeed, this movie is Beat.. Although I found under in 1997 that this movie is under another name, I'm pretty sure now that the title is changed to Beat as told by LA Times in 1998, and occasionally when I search for Beat on imdb, they refer me to Grosse Fatigue.

As told by Redeemable Features, although having trouble to persuade the project is worthy to do, Murray is successfully allowed to make Veeck As In Wreck after his great performance in Rushmore.

Director and co-writer Wes Anderson also announced that he is working on a script called Gargling Destiny , a comedy about a New York family. Wes Anderson will try to include the cast of Bottle Rocket and Rushmore, including Murray, Jason Schwartzman, co-writer Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson, etc.

Unfortunately, no mention of Ghostbusters III.

15 October 1998

I was jsut watching "LATE NIGHT" on NBC..and the director to GhostBusters 1 and 2 was on (Ivan) and he said that BILL MURRAY, Harold Raimis, and Dan Akroyd were all 3 coming up with a script...I had always heard that they were already making one, but Ivan said all 3 were now coming up with one...Ivan also said he would not direct a 3rd one, but he would be an executive producer on one if the script was good enough...he said directing the 2nd one was hard enough, he didnt want to do it again on a 3rd one. ADAM(HARLEYDO) ([email protected])

11 October 1998

Rushmore is going to come out on February, 1999. The last and the second last issues of Entertainment Weekly feature Bill Murray in Rushmore. It also says that Bill Murray is at his best in the movie and deserves an award!!!

9 October 1998

Ethan Hawke apparently didn't take the tepid box office returns of Great Expectations personally. Daily Variety reports the actor is again going to try updating a literary classic, this time with a modern take on Hamlet. Uma Thurman's hubby will play the depressed Danish prince in the project, with Kyle MacLachlan on board as Claudius. Sam Shepherd will play the ghost, with Bill Murray as Polonius, Diane Venora as Gertrude, Steven Wright as the gravedigger, and Julia Styles as Ophelia. (From Celebsite's full story)

29 September 1998

Bill Murray took to the field during the seventh-inning stretch at Wrigley Field Monday night, leading Chicago Cubs fans in a rousing rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Reuters reports that the comedian finished by yelling, "Let's get some runs," and the normally ill-fated Cubs held on to beat the San Francisco Giants 5-3, earning a spot in the baseball playoffs for the first time since 1989.

28 May 1998

Bill Murray has joined the cast of Tim Robbins' The Cradle Will Rock, says Liz Smith. The film centers on the banning of Marc Blitzstein's 1937 stage musical, also titled The Cradle Will Rock, which starred Orson Welles. Murray will play a drunk vaudevillian who makes life difficult for the theater company. (From Celebsite)

26 April 1998

Rumor: Bill has signed on GB3!!!

23 March 1998

Bill appeared on the Academy Award yesterday night!  (On the screen...with Groundhog Phil)

20 March 1998

Bill's upcoming movie, Mom's on the Roof's title had been changed to With Friends Like These...

20 March 1998

Wild Things come out today!  Many good remarks for Bill from film critics.

18 March 1998

Bill appears on Letterman's show tonight.  Go and enjoy it!

8 March 1998

Just a little rumor... Bill got a new-born son!?  Correct me if it is not true.

8 March 1998

Will Smith revealed on 1 March 1998 that he will be in GB3 WITH: Dan Aykroyd and BILL MURRAY!  Will Smith + Dan Aykroyd + Harold Ramis + BILL MURRAY.   Wow!  It must be a great movie!

18 February 1998

The full report for the box-office of The Man Who Knew Too Little:

$4.604m (USA) (16 November 1997) (2,036 screens), $8.574m (USA) (23 November 1997), $11.212m (USA) (30 November 1997), $12.413m (USA) (7 Decemebr 1997), $12.973m (USA) (14 Decemebr 1997), $13.175m (USA) (21 December 1997), $13.429m (USA) (28 December 1997), $13.678m (4 January 1998), $13.747m (USA) (11 January 1998), $13.801m (USA) (19 January 1998).

10 February 1998

Just a rumor:  Bill will direct, produce and act in a new Buena Vista movie, Beat.  This may be the first film that Bill direct himself.  He only co-directed with Howard Franklin (Larger Than Life, 1996) in Quick Change (1990).

2 February 1998

Bill may probably have a role in Harold Ramis' new remake movie called Run For Your Wife, which the latter may direct, too.  Today is Groundhog Day!  And Variety reports that the partner of the comedy hit Groundhog Day (1993)- Bill and Harold may join again!!  This is definitely the weirdest thing that happens in Groundhog Day!

19 January 1998

In one of the January Newsweek's issue, it reveals that the possible deal for the upcoming blockbuster, GhostbustersIII, with Bill, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ivan Reitman.  They all asked Columbia Pictures for more than 40% of the second GB (1989)'s receipts, but except for Murray who still wants a big paycheck (more than the last two GB) for not starring as the leading role.  He's got pull because he co-owns the rights with Aykroyd, Harold and Ivan.

12 January 1998

Narcolapsy reports that the role of Cardinal Glick in the comedy Dogma will be taken by Bill, Robin Williams or Chevy Chase.

18 December 1997

Because of the tragic death of Chris Farley, Bill have to take his seat in the third Ghostbusters.  Like the first one, Bill have to take John Belushi's role, who was dead.  And because of his involvement, an entire rewrite is carried out like the first one, too.

24 November 1997

Time magazine lists Bill as one of the winners in the "Winners & Losers" section for offering money-back gurantee for The Man Who Knew Too Little.

17 November 1997

The Man Who Knew Too Little ranks 4.6million for the first week- the 5th place.

14 Novemebr 1997

Bill's new film, The Man Who Knew Too Little, comes out today!  Go and see it!

Bill will also appear in two talk shows tonight- "The Late Late Show With Tom Snyder" (CBS) and "Late Night With Conan O'Brien" (NBC).

13 November 1997

Murray will appear in two TV talk shows tonight for promoting his forthcoming The Man Who Knew Too Little, which will be come out tomorrow- "The Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS) and "The Daily Show" (Comedy Central).

If you want to post some news of Bill that I haven't got, click here

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