Bill Murray: The Classic Picture Gallery

"So TERRIFIED..." (Scrooged, 1988)

Larger1Scared.jpg (4256 bytes)          Larger2Scared.jpg (4882 bytes)         Larger3Scared.jpg (5131 bytes)

Larger4Scared.jpg (4249 bytes)

                                                      From Larger Than Life(1996) 

TooLittle[Scared].jpg (3885 bytes)            TooLittle[Scared2].jpg (4324 bytes)

      From The Man Who Knew Too Little (1997)

Shower.gif (368823 bytes)

The shower scene from Groundhog Day (1993)

haaa.jpg (9600 bytes)

His classic scream in his classic Ghostbusters (1984)

KinpinScared.jpg (5627 bytes)

And from... Kinpin (1996)


"Oh, dances too." (GhostbustersII, 1989)

venkman42.gif (44899 bytes)         venkman51.gif (41638 bytes)

(Left): Dancing with Dan Aykroyd in GhostbustersII (1989)

Bill flaps.jpg (19646 bytes)                  Nerds11.jpg (4256 bytes)

           Why are you flapping, Bill? (Ghostbusters, 1984)        You are dancing like in GB2!

GroundhogDay_Dancing.jpg (61074 bytes)

Bill is dancing romantically with Andie Macdowell in Groundhog Day

too little1.jpg (65712 bytes)            too little2.jpg (27709 bytes)

Nutty Bill as Wallce in The Man Who Knew Too Little

Kinpin[Dance].jpg (5456 bytes)      Kinpin[Dances2].jpg (5763 bytes)     Kinpin[Dances3].jpg (5416 bytes)

Antic gesticulations in...well...ya know...

Bill & Ray Parker2.jpg (81200 bytes)

Bill and the other Ghostbusters, Harold Ramis, Dan, and Ernie Hudson dances in Ray Parker Jr.'s Ghostbusters Music Video.

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I need your help!  Submit me at [email protected] if you have the screaming, frightening or dancing  pictures of Bill in Scrooged, Stripes, What About Bob? or Quick Change.  (Actually, any new pics of Bill)

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