24/8/200 SeaChange: Best Laid Plans (S, PG) (55 mins) It seems that after countless setbacks, life is finally going to plan in Pearl Bay. Right next to Phrani's new café, Max and Carmen have established an office for their newspaper, 'The Oyster, both of which are within the walls of the new beach front co-op. Even Laura is at peace with her life. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, Kerry Armstrong, John Howard, William McInnes
31/8/2000 SeaChange: How Much Greener Was My Neighbour's Valley (S, PG) (50 mins) Sergeant Grey is beside himself. He demands reinforcements to combat the insanity about to unfold. Relationships will be destroyed, the streets will become boxing rings...but then again the annual CFA Dance always ends in tears. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, Kerry Armstrong, John Howard, William McInnes
17/9/2000 SeaChange: Bonfire Of The VCR's (S, PG) (55 mins) Plans are revealed for a tunnel to connect Pearl Bay and Port Deakin which send the town into a frenzy. Carmen returns on the heels of Laura discovering the truth about her and Max. She would have never let him go if he wasn't so obviously in love with Laura. While the town's women forgive Max immediately Laura struggles to let him off the hook so easily...until she witnesses a shattered Max. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, Kerry Armstrong, John Howard, William McInnes
8/10/2000 SeaChange: Pipeline (S, G) (55 mins) Laura is tired of being let down by the men in her life. Aside from Max's recent dalliance with Carmen, Angus' voyage of self discovery has left her without a court clerk. When Warwick Munro (Shaun Micallef), a consultant employed to review the effectiveness of the magistrate's court arrives, Laura is forced to employ Karen to give the illusion of order in her court. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, William McInnes, Alice Garner, Tom Long
15/10/2000 SeaChange: Adversely Possessed (S, PG) (55 mins) Warwick Munro has prolonged his stay in Pearl Bay and Max would very much like to see the back of him. Even Laura isn't warming to him as easily as she would like. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, William McInnes, Cassandra Magrath, Mark Mitchell
22/10/2000 SeaChange: Blowing In The Wind (S, G) (55 mins) A strange wind blows into town leaving the locals unsettled and with a couple of visitors. Tama, a Pacific Island prince and Mad Girl Madigan, a renegade sailor with an aversion to compasses and itinerary, make their presence felt. CAST: John Howard, Kerry Armstrong, Sigrid Thornton,
5/11/2000 SeaChange: I Name Thee Bay Of Pearls (S, PG) (55 mins) As the town is caught in the middle of an age versus competency debate, Laura's mother, June arrives. Meanwhile, Bob has his own interpretation and plans to turn Pearl Bay into Ye Olde Pearl Bay: a sure-fire tourism hit. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, John Howard, Kerry Armsrong, William McInnes.
12/11/2000 SeaChange: Eminent Persons (S, G) (55 mins) The Port Deakin councillors sacked earlier under accusations of fraud and money laundering are finally brought to trial before Laura. Heather Jelly is excited to discover she's been offered a real estate award and Laura accepts Warwick's proposal of marriage. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, Kerry Armstrong, John Howard, Shaun Micallef
10/12/2000 SeaChange: Half Life (S, PG) Final (55 mins) Laura and Max may well have sorted out their love life, but all is not running smoothly otherwise. While Laura's left to take the wrath of Warwick's unknowing parents who have arrived for their son's wedding, Max is confronted by criminal charges and the closure of his newspaper and Morton Tregonning has come down hard on the town as he sets about launching his chemical waste dump in Pearl Bay. CAST: Sigrid Thornton, William McInnes, Shaun Micallef, John Howard

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