You Know You Like Sailor Neptune Too Much When
*This List is taken from The Michiru Kaioh Shrine, sister shrine of The Haruka Tenoh Shrine
[1-100...please be patient]
Even your family and your teachers call you Michiru.
2) While visiting the ocean you call out "DEEP
SUBMERGE!" when a wave crashes.
People think you're vain because you carry a hand mirror wherever
you go.
4) Your ideal girlfriend would look like Haruka.
5) You sobbed endlessly when Sailor Neptune risked her life for
6) And then you sobbed even harder during their death in
7) You have seriously considered permanently dying your hair
8) You check out every person in a yellow convertable... just in
9) You are determined to master the violin.
10) You get insanely jealous when Haruka flirts-- especially with
11) You want your daughter to be just like Hotaru.
12) You tell everyone that Michiru is your girlfriend.
13) You dress up as Sailor Neptune for Halloween.
14) You've considered changing your name to Michiru.
15) People wonder why you rest your hand on your chin all the
16) You dump a glass of water on your parents yelling "DEEP
17) You demand that your girlfriend dyes her hair like Haruka.
18) You think the manga/anime should be called Pretty Soldier
Sailorneptune not Pretty Soldier Sailormoon.
19) You are shocked and amazed if you find a Sailor
Neptune/Michiru Kaioh pic that you've never seen before.
20) You and your best friend, who is a big fan of Sailor Mercury,
have endless arguments over who is more powerful.
21) A North American Sailor Moon fan says they've never heard of
Sailor Neptune. They end up with a glass of water dumped over
their head.
22) You know the lyrics to both of Michiru's songs in Japanese
and not to mention the English translation.
23) Every day you play the Outer Senshi transformation music on
your stereo and shout "NEPTUNE PLANET POWER MAKE-UP!!!"
hoping to gain your memories of being Sailor Neptune.
24) You are still on the lookout for that perfect black bathing
25) You take a pic of Michiru to the hairdresser and say
"Make my hair look like THAT!"
26) Then you start to dress like Michiru.
27) You often find yourself saying "Ara..."
28) You are asked to do an Astrology report on Neptune.. you get
it back with an "incomplete" mark along with the
comment: "Who is Michiru??"
29) You try to start a petition to change your school's name to
Mugen Gakuen.
30) You begin to look for a book on the talisman in a bookstore.
31) You are outraged at how awfully they'll tear apart Michiru
(and Haruka) in the English dub.
32) You recite "Sailor Neptune! Yuuga ni katsuyaku!"
whenever you enter a room.
33) You wear your hair up in a red ribbon.
34) Your liscense plate says "Michiru"
35) You visit Sailor Neptune pages at least once a day.
36) You can play the violin while juggling lemons!
37) You plan to name your daughter Hotaru.
38) You take up at least fifty of the WBS Michiru/Neptune
39) You have both a Mugen Gakuen uniform, and Sailor Neptune
40) You are overjoyed when someone tells you that you look like
41) You know you look like Michiru.
42) You will stop at nothing to be the voice of Michelle.
43) You will stop at nothing to stop DiC from mutilating
Michiru's character!
44) You sit around at the community pool each day looking for a
blue haired girl to race.
45) You can't help but look at every gorgeous blonde girl that
you see on a motorcycle...
Anyone who looks like Eudial ends up with a glass of water dumped
over their head.
47) Your friends all have to go to psychologists, because every
time you pick up a glass of water, they have a nervous breakdown!
48) You KNOW you're adopted, because your last name is really
49) You have Haruka dreams and Nepherenia (or Eudial)
50) It doesn't matter to you HOW much it costs, you absolutely
MUST have the Aqua Mirror!
51) Someone asks you what planet you're from, and you immediately
answer, "Neptune..."
52) Your parents threaten to cut off your phone, TV, and dating
priviledges if you EVER come near them with a glass of water
53) You will miss your phone. ^_^
54) Your friends have changed their names to Setsuna, Usagi, Ami,
Rei, Makoto, Minako, and Hotaru just so that you'll pay attention
to them... And your worst enemy has changed her name to Eudial or
Mistress 9. (Or his name to Professor Souichi Tomoe.)
55) The psychiatrist that you go to (that your parents are
forcing you to go to) does a blot test on you, and your replies
are: "A hand mirror, a wave, a ball of blue energy, a yellow
56) The psychiatrist will not allow any water in her office while
you are around.
57) You speak ONLY Japanese. Never English. English brings to
mind the DiC dub...
58) If your girlfriend is staring at their hands, you immediately
sit beside them and say, "I always love your hands..."
59) You are looking for a blond driving a yellow convertible, and
when you find one, you follow the car until it stops.
60) When the driver gets out, you tell them they are really
Sailor Uranus...
61) You aren't surprised when they say they know!
62) You wear your Mugen Gakuen outfit EVERY DAY.
63) Not even your friends dare to say that they think Mercury is
better than Neptune (they still remember the LAST time they said
that... Water was everywhere!)
64) You have seriously considered that maybe you weren't
Michiru... Then dismissed the thought as "Trying to get out
of your destiny."
65) If you are ever brought back from the dead, the first words
out of your mouth will be, "The talismans... There was no
need for sacrifice after all!"
66) Your science teacher wonders why you call him "Professor
67) You have alienated everyone in your family so much, they
consider taking you up on your idea of you going to Japan for
three or four years...
68) You go to the car races expecting to see Haruka.
69) When you can't find her, you think: i need to get a life.
70) You can do all of the actions to Sailor Neptune's
transformations and attacks.
71) You have superimposed a picture of Michiru over a picture of
yourself in order to find ways to make yourself look more like
72) When threatened, you yell, Neptune Planet Power! Make Up! or
Deep Submerge!
73) This usually works, scaring off whoever was threatening you.
74) Your bedroom is creepy because of all of the pictures of
Michiru that seem to be staring at you, no matter where you
75) You begin to question the sanity of anyone who thinks they
are Sailorneptune... afterall, YOU are Sailorneptune.
76) You light a candle on Haruka and Michiru's birthdays.
77) You spend your nights and weekends prowling around antique
shops, looking for the Talismans...
78) You have changed your birth certificate to read:
Name: Kaioh Michiru
Age: 16
Occupation: Sailor Neptune
Date of Birth: March 6
79) You own EVERY Sailorneptune doll there is.
80) You own EVERY Sailorneptune doll there is. Someone says,
"Hey, that's great! You can sell those for a lot of money
someday!" You reply: "SELL THEM?!?! ARE YOU INSANE?!?!
SELL MY PRECIOUS FIGURINES?!?!?!?! NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Or
something along that line.
81) You sobbed in S when Uranus and Neptune died, you sobbed more
when they were revived, you sobbed even MORE in Stars when they
died, and when they were brought back at the very end, your house
was completely flooded.
82) You scream "DIE, VERMIN!!!" At the TV when Eudial
(or any other baddie, for that matter) comes onscreen.
83) You can easily see how Haruka and Michiru could fall for each
84) Someone criticizes Uranus and Neptune's technique (at all
costs, get the mission done). They are now in the hospital
because of the concussion you gave them.
85) Someone DARED to say that they were a bigger Neptune fan, and
they.... well, they won't be out of the hospital anytime soon.
86) You constantly ask your close friend "Do you find the
wind abnormal today?"
87) You are always drawing "The end of the world" in
all your art lessons.
88) You listen to shells even in lessons... When the teacher
talked to you, you replied " Don't disturb me...I'm going
back to my own world."
89) You showered petals of roses and cherry blossoms everywhere
whenever you enter a room. Just like in the anime.
90) Your school gardener become furious and threatened to kill
you if you continue to pick roses and cherry blossoms.(To prepare
the petals)
91) Whenever your girl friend dates you, you always want to go to
the seashore in her car.
92) Even in a resturant, whenever you have fishballs, you
instantly kneel on your knees and, using a toothpick, halve them,
before eating...
93) Whenever you walk through an aisle in the church, you always
make sure there are no arrows...
94) When a friend casually asks you to say 'Hi' to another friend
and you grab him by the throat, screaming "What do you know
about the Talismans?!?"
95) When you teach your lover how to shake hands in a deadly
manner in case someone flirts with you.
96) When a song that mentions the wind and the sea comes on the
radio and you flip out because it MUST be about you and Haruka.
97) People ask you why you always hang around race tracks.
98) You paint pictures of your lover wearing nothing but a blue
99) When you tell people that aqua IS your natural hair colour.
100) When you have dreams that remind you of your life in the
Silver Millenium or that fortell the Silence.
to the Outer Files