* All these files are encoded in RA format for faster downloading, just go to the Real Player website if you don't have one yet... more files to come soon.

Outer Senshi Appearance [75kb]

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune Transformation music [188kb]

Outer Senshi Attack [177kb]

Outer Senshi Battle [214kb]

Sailor Uranus saying something in Japanese [8kb]

World Shaking! [7kb]

I Want to be the Wind (Kaze) [502 kb]

Fate is so beautiful [557 kb]

Kaze [mid 7kb]

Haruka to Michiru [mid 30kb]

Sweet music of Haruka & Michiru [mid 5kb]

Outer Senshi Appearance [mid 38kb]

The ending theme of Sailor Moon S [Quicktime MID 7kb]

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