The 2 senshis leaving a mansion while Sailor Uranus waves good bye [16kb]
A transparent GIF of Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune back-2-back [39kb]
Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune back-2-back in the intro of SMS [5kb]
Another transparent GIF of the 2 senshis back-2-back while holding hands [18kb]
A nice back-2-back pic of the 2 couple, though Uranus is upside down...[6kb]
Sailor Neptune looks at her hands while Sailor Uranus wears a shocked look [18kb]
A cute pic of Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune looking at you... [18kb]
A trading card w/ the 2 back-2-back while holding their talismans [30kb]
A cute Christmas SD of the 2 couple [15kb]
A really manga of Sailor Neptune jumping and Sailor Uranus running [42kb]
A cute SD of Sailor Uranus & Sailor Neptune holding hands [36kb]
A pic where the Sailor Uranus lovingly hugs Sailor Neptune from behind [32kb]
Another pic where Uranus hugs Neptune from behind... about to kiss [12kb]
Another back-2-back pic of the two senshi w/ holding hands [17kb]
new Sailor Neptune looking at Sailor Uranus with a sweet face [6kb]
new Both senshi leaving while Sailor Neptune is looking back [5kb]
new Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune examining a heart crystal [8kb]
new Sailor Uranus and Neptune after a grueling battle w/the enemy [10kb]
new Sailor Uranus and Neptune with torned fuku after a battle [8kb]
new manga Sailor Uranus and Neptune with baby Hotaru... so sweet ;-) [66kb]
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