A High Price

The Fates weave their thread,
Evil rears its head.
Friendship ripped asunder
As the heavens are with thunder.
The price was met,
In the paying of a debt,
But OH! the cost,
For love was nearly lost.

Lies were tendered,
Hantred rendered.
Life was cheated
And love was depleated.

Lovers began to mourne,
Forgiveness was born.
The truth came out,
As with a trumphets great shout.
The healing wasn't to take long,
For it was carried along by our hearts in song.

Our hearts were mended,
Our trials nearly ended.
Our fates are entertwined,
For together we are one of a kind.
What more is in store,
Bring it to the fore.
For we are together one more,
In Love forever more.

Dave the Bard
March 12, 1998